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in the morning there is always the same routine: Husk at the bar, Vaggie, Charlie and Cherry in the kitchen eating breakfast, Nifty cleaning the rooms, Alastor on the radio and finally Angel stayed in his room until late.
Around 10:30 am Angel heard a knock on the door. He was still half asleep, he groaned annoyed and turned around to look at the door

Angel: "what?"

He probably already knew who was it, but he wanted to make sure so he wouldn't get up thinking it was the little cleaning obsessed demon and finding someone else.
And there she was, like every morning, standing outside Angel's room waiting for the spider demon to come out of his bedroom to make the room look unused again.

Nifty: "I'm here to clean your room Mrs. Angel!"

Angel rolled his eyes at the fact that he had to get up and because the little woman still Thought he was a girl.
Angel sighed

Angel: "alright Nif, give me some time to get ready and do my make up and the room is all yours"

Even if he didn't want get out of bed, he was thankful that Nifty would clean his room. He wasn't a fan of cleaning if they asked him he would, but since he had work Angel wouldn't spend his little free time cleaning.

Nifty: "ok! I'll go clean the next room so you have more time!"

Angel got up and stretched his arms and his back

Angel: "thank you"

He heard Nifty's quick steps as she walked to the room next to his. He wore the same pink and white striped jacket, the usual pink gloves and black shorts. He did his make up, put on his black boots and looked in the mirror one last time blowing a kiss at himself. He picked up fat Nugget and got out of his room.
Walking he passed by the room Nifty was cleaning

Angel: "Nif the room is all yours"

She didn't stop doing what she was doing and didn't look at him neither

Nifty: "ok!"

Angel went downstairs and walked towards the kitchen, but first I waved at Husk and winked at him

Angel: "Goodmorning Kitty~"

Angel saw him rolling his eyes

Husk: "yeah yeah, goodmorning Angel"

Angel entered the kitchen, Cherry Vaggie and Charlie were eating breakfast. Charlie looked at the spider demon and at the little piglet in his arms. She spoke with her enthusiastic tone

Charlie: "good morning Angel! Oh and Goodmorning to Fat Nugget too! It's good to see you today!"

Angel: "Goodmorning princess"

Angel smiled at her and placed Fat Nugget on the table, he ran towards the three girls to find attentions.
Cherry spoke while petting the pet pig

Cherry: "Hey bitch, you're breakfast is in the microwave"

Angel: "thanks sugar tits"

The spider demon went to get his food and sat next to Cherry
-I feel particularly hungry today.. oh yeah yesterday I didn't eat anything, fuck I didn't even realise- he thought to himself

They ate quietly, Cherry and Charlie were petting Fat Nugget, Vaggie probably didn't mind having him around and Angel was just eating.

When he finished his breakfast he got up and put his plate in the sink.

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