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Angel had fell asleep not long after he took the aspirin. I was still thinking about before, why did his face became red all of a sudden? I had no idea.

I heard someone coming down the stairs, I turned around to see who it was and I saw Cherry. She noticed me sitting on the ground and Angel on the couch so she started walking towards us

Husk: "how are you feeling?"

Cherry: "I'm fine, what about him?"

She pointed to Angel who was sleeping on the couch

Husk: "he had a very bad headache, so I gave him an aspirin and feel asleep"

Cherry nodded and looked at me for a second

Cherry: "why are you sitting on the ground?"

Husk: "I didn't want to take space on the couch"

Cherry: "you know that that's not the only couch here?"

She said looking around in the room, in fact there were: another couch and an armchair

Husk: "yeah I know, I just sat here and got too lazy to move"

Cherry rolled her eyes

Cherry: "yeah, right. You wanted to stay near him, didn't you?"

She smiled and raised an eyebrow. In response I rolled my eyes and looked away, my gaze fell on the sleeping spider

Cherry: "you two are really blind. I don't know if you are acting or you both are just too stupid to notice"

She paused. I looked at her confused. What was she talking about? Me and Angel blind? Notice what?

Cherry: "I saw the way you two look at each other, come on! But it seems like you two just ignore it or don't notice, even if it's impossible since you're a cat and your pupils dilate whenever you look at him"

I was avoiding her eyes, I didn't know what to answer. Was she right? No, it's impossible. I lost the ability to love a long time ago

I sighed and looked at her this time

Husk: "yeah yeah Cherry, keep up with the great theories"

Cherry: "Husk I'm telling you that Angie likes you, I know him better that anyone else and I know when something's going on in his messy head plus it's very obvious"

I looked away again. I didn't care if she was right or not, love is not my thing

Cherry: "ok ok fine, can you get me a drink?"

I nodded and got up from where I was sitting

Husk: "your usual shot of vodka?"

Cherry: "yeah, please"

I walked towards the bar and went behind it, pouring the vodka inside of the glass.
Cherry looked at Angel for a moment and came to sit on the stool near the bar. I handed her her drink.


After around 30 minutes, Cherry went upstairs in Angel's room to check up on Fat Nugget.

Angel was just waking up, he opened his eyes and adjusted his position, Angel looked in front of him and saw Husk sitting on the arm chair looking at him.

Angel: "are you done staring at me?"

His tone was sarcastic but soft (since he just woke up). Husk shook his head a bit.

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