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I heard my alarm go off, I reluctantly opened my eyes. I couldn't remember why I set that alarm

-why did I even set this stupid alarm?-

For a moment or two I searched for my phone on the night stand with my hand but eventually found it and picked it up and saw DRUG TEST written on it.

-oh shit the test is today!-

I turned off my alarm, I quickly got up and went straight to my dresser picking my usual outfit, I dressed up and then went to do my make up. When I finished I picked up Fat Nugget, went out of the room and downstaris.
While walking I passed by the bar where Husk was drinking

Husk: "Goodmorning Angel"

I didn't look at him, I was still a bit upset but not enough to ignore him

Angel: "Goodmorning"

I answered with a simple and dry "good morning" no nicknames and no flirt.  I could feel his confused gaze on me, but I didn't care. I kept walking towards the kitchen where I knew I would find Charlie and Vaggie and sometimes Cherry too.

As I entered the kitchen I was greeted by two different types of goodmorning: the enthusiastic one from Charlie and the half sleepy one from Vaggie. I greeted back to them with a big smile and placed Fat Nugget on the table as I always did

Charlie: "today you have your drug test and you seem very excited for it!"

I sat down next to the princess and she started petting my piglet while she spoke

Angel: "Am very confident about it!"

I could see that she was very very happy about my statement as her smile grew wider

Charlie: "great! Now let's eat, we don't want to be late"

Vaggie was near the kitchen so she also grabbed my plate and handed it to me. I began eating my breakfast.


I heard Angel coming downstairs I sipped my cheap and amazing booze and looked at him

Husk: "good morning Angel"

He didn't even look at me when I spoke, he just kept walking

Angel: "good morning"

Wait, no nicknames? No flirts? No wink? Nothing? That was very strange. I looked at him confused until he disappeared inside the kitchen with his pet.
Is he upset I didn't answer his question last night? Kinda stupid to be honest... Maybe he isn't upset and I'm just paranoid... I mean he didn't ignore me so maybe I am just overthinking... I should ask someone that knows him better than anyone else... -Cherry- ... but later, when Angel is out, not now.

After a while Cherry came downstairs too

Cherry: "Good morning Husk"

She said still half asleep, it was clear she didn't sleep much last night

Husk: "long night?"

She rubbed her eye with her hand

Cherry: "you could say that, drank too much and came here late"

She said before starting to walk again towards the kitchen.

Not much after Charlie and Angel came out of the kitchen, Angel still didn't look at me.

Charlie: "Hey Husk, if you see Alastor tell him we are going out for a while"

Husk: "alright princess, bye"

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