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-at the hotel-

When Husk, Cherry and Angel got back at the hotel it was around 4 pm or something. The lobby was empty so they all went upstairs, Cherry's room was one of the first rooms in the hallway, she entered her room and went to sleep meanwhile the other two kept walking towards their room.
Angel opened his bedroom door and grabbed Husk's arm

Angel: "Huskyyy wanna join me in my roooom??"

He winked at the end

Husk: "Angel you're drunk, you need to rest plus you have work later!"

Angel drowned annoyed and rolled his eyes

Angel: "ughhhh, fine, don't you dare wake me up!"

Husk: "won't Valentino get mad if you don't go?"

Angel: "he will definitely get mad, but fuck him I don't care. I need to sleep Huskyyyy"

Husk: "if you say so"

Angel let go of Husk's arm, he turned around and closed the door behind him before jumping on his bed and falling asleep as fast as Fat Nugget layed down next to his owner and fell asleep too.

Back to Husk
He kept walking towards his room and eventually arrived there, he sat on his bed. He wasn't drunk, not completely, to get drunk he needed at least another 8 bottles of his booze.
He wasn't tired enough to sleep and he didn't feel like drinking now

(Husk's thoughts) I don't feel like drinking? That's new  even to myself

He said confused about his own statement, in fact not feeling like drinking that cheap shit he usually drowned all day wasn't something you would expect from him not even suspecting of that.
He didn't know what to do, the hotel was very quiet, too quiet.

(Husk's thoughts) Where are Charlie Vaggie and Nifty?

He was wondering where they could be, Alastor was probably somewhere around in Pentagram city or hanging out with Rosie in cannibal town

He decided to go downstairs, maybe they were broadcasting something good from that old TV they had in the lobby.

He sat on the couch and turned on the TV, he was searching for something until the "666 News appeared" on the screen

Katie killjoy: "Good Afternoon, I'm Katie killjoy"

Tom Trench: "and I'm Tom Trench"

Katie killjoy: "today we have a special guest, the princess of hell, Charlotte Morningstar"

Husk saw Charlie entering the studio and she say next to Katie

Katie Killjoy: "so Charlotte, you'll talk about that fucking hotel again. Will you sing a little happy song again this time"

She had a big arrogant smile on her face and Tom was laughing

Charlie: "my name is Charlie and no I won't sing this time. I wanted to talk about my hotel and now we have proofs that it actually work"

Katie killjoy: "and what's this so called "proof", huh?"

Charlie: "you remember Sir Pentious, right?"

Tom Trench: "the loser of turf wars?"

Charlie: "yeah, him. Well he was a guest of my hotel and guess what? He went to heaven! You know what that means? It means that he got redeemed"

Charlie was smiling, Katie and Tom were a bit shocked

Katie killjoy: "well that still doesn't mean that demons will actually come to that stupid hotel of yours"

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