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I woke up slowly and sat up on the bed, I looked around. -something is missing here...-
I narrowed my eyes to try to remember if I forgot something or... someone

Angel: "NUGGS?"

I paused. wait yesterday I left him with Cherry, oh thank God I sighed in relief, I was sure that he wss totally fine with her.

I got up, picked up some clean clothes and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. "Quick showers" weren't things for me, actually I probably spent 20 minutes under the warm water. It was very relaxing for me and it felt way too good and of course it wasn't a waste of time but I started feeling hungry so I got out of the shower, dressed up and made my make up.

After I was ready I got out of my room and walked towards the stairs. A flashback from last night came to my mind as fast as I reached the stairs -fuck. This is going to be so fucking awkward... What am I supposed to say? What did he meant to say with that kiss? Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuc-

Nifty: "Goodmorning mrs. Angel!"

I jumped out of my thoughts and looked at the small demon next to me

Angel: "God, you've scared me! *Sigh* Good morning Nif, what's wrong?"

Nifty: "I wanted to ask you, what's this? I found it in your room"

She said showing me a small bag with white powder in it. I froze a moment thinking on what to answer. I took a deep breath
If I want to be clean and make Charlie proud I have to do it. I've been clean for so long I don't want to relapse

Angel: "uhm, it's nothing important Nifty, you can... You can throw it away or whatever, just don't open it or give it to someone in the hotel"

The small bug demon nodded excited, she had an idea... A strange idea

Nifty: "can I give it to my roaches before I kill them?"

She said with a big grin, she looked like a maniac. can roaches get high? Fuck if they do it's going to be funny as fuck

Angel: "of course, just don't tell anyone you found it in my room, oh and I want to be there when you do it"

She nodded with excitement again

Nifty: "Ok! thank you!"

Angel: "no problem Nifty"

I patted on her head with a smile before she walked away happily. I kinda of feel like a father to her sometimes, it's almost strange but I'm getting used to it. Anyway.
Where was I? Oh right. I took a deep breath and went downstairs. I stopped in front of the bar, I wanted to greet him as if nothing happened, so he wouldn't think that I rejected him, but when I tried my mouth opened and closed immediately, my face became a slight red and I think he noticed. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I walked away quickly and inside the kitchen.


I was behind the bar, as always, I heard Angel's and Nifty's voices but I couldn't understand or I didn't focus enough to understand what they were saying. Then I heard Angel coming downstairs. I followed him with my eyes, I am ready for whatever he'll tell me or do. He walked in front of the bar and I saw him opening his mouth but shutting it again. He wants to say something, but what? He blushed and walked away.

I looked at him quite confused, but at least he didn't hate me, I guess? He didn't look mad or anything so maybe he was just embarrassed or something. That's a good start. I hope. I'll just wait for him to come talk to me.

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