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!!This is not an update to the book but I wanted to do it!!

April 1st
Angel dust's birthday


I was in my room, sitting on my bed with Fat nugget and a small cupcake in front of me. I heard a knock on the door

Angel: "who is it?"

The familiar voice of my best friend could be heard behind the door, she was the only one I told about the date of my birthday because it wasn't only the day I was born but also the day I died. The only reason I kept celebrating it was my twin sister, when we were alive we swore to each other we would celebrate our birthdays no matter what and I never stopped.

I don't know if she still celebrates it after all this years but I do because we made a promise and I wasn't going to be the one to break it and I bet she kept it.

Cherry: "it's me Angie!"

Angel: "you can come in!"

Cherry opened the door but she wasn't alone, there was another person behind her. Husk


Husk: "happy birthday Angel"

I looked confused, Husk closed the door behind him and Cherry came to sit next to me

Cherry: "me and Husk brought you something!"

She placed a small bag Infront of me. I kept staring at Cherry while raising an eyebrow. Why did she told him? She knew the reason I didn't tell anyone so why did she tell somebody else?

Cherry: "I know I know, I shouldn't have told him, but... Uhm.. he kinda... he threatened me"

I rolled my eyes and looked at Husk

Husk: "don't look at me like that, she wanted some money and I had all the rights to know what she had to do with them"

I facepalmed and sighed

Angel: "ok ok, it's fine! I forgive you! Just don't tell anyone else, ok?"

They both nodded

Cherry: "open your gift now!"

I took the bag that was still in front of me and opened it, there was a small box inside.
inside the box were two pearl necklaces one bigger than the other and a small picture with me, Husk, Cherry and Fat Nugget

Angel: "you didn't have to! Really! Thank you"

Cherry: "one is for you and one is for Fat Nugget!"

I picked up one of the necklaces and put it on and put on the second one on Fat Nugget.

Cherry: "now take the photo and read out loud what is written on the back!"

She said smirking, she wrote something I'll regret reading. I did as she said anyway

Angel: "Happy birthday from you're favourite bitch from your beloved kid and your future boyfrie-"

I paused and I looked up at Husk that looked shocked and I could see some blush on his furred face and then I turned to look at Cherry that had ab innocent smile on her face. I blushed a bit too.

Angel: "CHERRY!!"

(none of this happened in the.. I don't know how to call it let's say the "time line" of the book. It was just a quick chapter I made for Angel's birthday, which is today, I don't even remember if it was confirmed or not but ok :D)

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