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I was at work, Valentino gave us a few minutes of break because one of the actors had asked one. I don't think Val was very happy about it but he decided to leave us for 10 minutes anyway.
I went to the dressing room, picked up my phone and sat on the couch while scrolling on sinstagram.

I saw a text from Charlie and opened it


Hey Angel!
Tonight's sleepover will be in my and Vaggie's room!
You know where it is, right?

Of course I do!
See ya tonight!

Be careful at work! Call me if anything happen!

I left on read, I knew perfectly that if Charlie showed up here again I'd probably find my self without a head.
I got up from the couch, left my phone on the table and went back to the set since the break was over.


Angel tried to do his best at work so maybe he would  finish faster and get back to the hotel a little earlier than usual and relax a bit with the girls

At the hotel Cherry, Nifty, Charlie and Vaggie were organising their sleepover sitting on the couch while Husk and Alastor were at the bar. Husk poured Alastor  a second glass of whiskey

Husk: "what are they planning about?"

Alastor took his whiskey

Alastor: "dear Husker you shouldn't be asking me, you should ask them, but they won't tell you like they didn't tell me"

Husk rolled his eyes and drank some of his booze

Husk: "come on Alastor, don't fucking lie I know damn well that you know what they are talking about"

Alastor sipped the whiskey from his glass

Alastor: "I know you do Husker"

His disgusting grin widened and then the radio demon left in his usual black shadow, leaving Husk alone.
He decided to get out of bar and join the girls on the couch since he had nothing better to do now that Alastor went away. Not that joining the girls wasn't better than staying with the girls

He sat on the arm chair since the couch was all occupied by the girls

Husk: "what are y'all yapping about?"

The girls all looked over at him, Husk wouldn't admit it but he was kinda curious, they were all so mysterious like they were plotting something against someone

Charlie: "we are just planning something, no need to worry, why?"

Husk raised his eyebrow

Husk: "because y'all seem like you are plotting against someone"

Cherry: "If you'd like we can plot against Valentino and maybe destroy that bitch ass moth asshole"

Husk chuckled a bit and Nifty seemed excited after hearing the word "moth"

Charlie: "we weren't plotting against anyone, Husk! Really! Do you think I would do something like that?"

Husk shocked his head "no" he knew that Charlie wouldn't do that to anyone even if she was highly capable to, he then went back to the bar drinking his booze


It was around 11:30 pm when Angel came back, he was happy he made it home before midnight for once and maybe the girls were still awake.
He entered through the main door of the hotel and eventually found Charlie still in the lobby talking with Alastor. As she noticed him she walked towards him and Alastor left for his room. Husk watched everything from the bar.

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