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I woke up and slowly opened my eyes. I looked around, for a moment I forgot why I was in Angel's room.
I looked down at him, he was sleeping peacefully, his arms still around me.

(Husk's thoughts) What time is it?

I looked around searching for my phone with my eyes until I saw it on the night stand. I reached it without moving much, turned it on and looked at the time. 7:30 am.

(Husk's thoughts) I still have 1 hour and a half?!

I groaned annoyed

(Husk's thoughts) I guess I can try to to sleep a bit more

I put the phone back on the night stand and tried to lie down without having to move Angel too much and risk waking him. As I moved he pulled me closer to him. His face was buried in my fur, it was a little Awkward but after a while I started to feel a little more comfortable in this new position. I tried to close my eyes and fall asleep, but without success. Luckily the time went by faster than I thought and it was already 8:30, so I decided to get up very quietly, luck on my side Angel moved a bit away from me so I was able to get up. I opened the door of the room quietly and closed it behind me. When I closed it I heard him moving and let out a tired groan.

(Husk's thoughts) I'll apologise for waking him up later, now I have to go get ready and go open the bar

My thoughts were interrupted by a female voice, it was Charlie

Charlie: "Goodmorning Husk! Uhm, what were you doing in Angel's room?"

She raised an eyebrow, I knew what she was thinking

Husk: "It's not what you think princess, yesterday night he had a nightmare, I woke him up because he was literally crying. When he calmed down I was about to go away he asked me to stay with him, I felt bad so I stayed with him"

Charlie: "Hey I wasn't thinking anything! Anyway, im It was very kind of you to stay with him tonight"

She said with a warm smile

Husk: "Yeah yeah, I'll go change and then I come to open the bar, alright?"

Charlie nodded

Charlie: "Alright, see you downstairs then"

We both went our ways


I woke up to the sound of my bedroom door closing. I opened my eyes slightly and noticed that Husk had already got up, I groaned annoyed. Was already time to open the bar or he just didn't want to stay? I heard Charlie's and Husk's voice. Ok maybe it was time to open the bar, she wouldn't get up earlier.

I wanted to go back to sleep, I turned around a few times trying to find a good position to fall asleep again but I just wasted time so I decided to get up and dress up.

I checked Fat Nugget's food and water bowl and then got out of my room and went to the lobby.
Charlie was already there with Vaggie and Lucifer and then there was Husk behind the bar. Like every morning I went to sit on the stool

Husk: "already up? It's not usual for you to get up before 11 am"

He said sarcastically

Angel: "ha ha, I was awaken by you closing the door and I couldn't fall asleep again"

I said, still visibly tired

Husk: "oh yeah, sorry for waking you up"

he poured the drink I usually had and handed it to me

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