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I got up from the stool after finishing my drink.

Angel: "ok Husky, I'll go to my room. Thanks for the nice talk but I want to rest because Val asked me to go in the morning for extra shots. So...goodnight whiskers~"

Husk rolled his eyes

Husk: "yeah yeah goodnight"

I tried to made a fake offended face and tone of voice

Angel: "you don't even give me a goodnight kiss~?"

Husk looked at me really annoyed, it was funny to see him this way

Husk: "shut the fuck up and go to your fucking room"

I smirked and giggled. He always gives me the chance to make questionable comments without noticing

Angel: "ok daddy as you wish~"

Husk groaned even more annoyed

Angel: "ok ok, sorry, you just give me the chance to make a joke and I don't let that slide away! I'll go to sleep now"

Husk rolled his eyes

Husk: "finally... Dumbass"

Husk mumbled the last word, to try to not be heard by me, without success. I was already walking towards the stairs while Husk spoke

Angel: "I heard ya!"

I said while looking at Husk from the stairs.

Husk: "like I care!"

Husk turned around and I started walking up the stairs before stopping once again to look over my shoulder, watching as Husk was leaning on his chair behind the bar.
I smiled softly and blushed slightly, I didn't even know why. I just did. There was something in that cat that made me go crazy.


In the process Husk felt observed for a moment, he knew it was Angel so he tried to hide his face, his face was a bit red, almost invisible since the fur covered it, but still he didn't want the spider demon to notice. When he didn't feel the spider demon's eyes on him anymore he sat up on the chair and rested his head on his cat like hands (or paws as you want to call them😭).

What the fuck is wrong with me??

Husk thought to himself.
He just wanted to forget about it, so he went to drink his opened bottle of booze.

Back to Angel. He arrived in his room. He opened the door and as fast as he opened the door, Fat nugget jumped from the the bed and ran towards his owner.

Angel: "Hey Nugs!"

Angel closed the door behind him and picked up his piglet.
He sat on his bed while petting the excited little pig
After a while, Fat Nugget fell asleep in Angel's arms so the spider gently placed him on the bed, he got up to clean his mascara, cover up the bruise, change into something more comfortable and went to sleep.

Angel woke up.
He was in Val's studio, how did he end up there? He went to sleep in his room at the hotel, why was he back there *again*? He looked around, Fat Nugget was missing either. Angel got up from the bed and noticed that he was wearing the same clothes he used the wore when he still lived with Val, but now he was there, it felt like he never went to the hotel.
Angel's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

Angel: "who is it?"

The door opened and Val entered the door closing it behind him

Valentino: "Hey Angelcakes~ goodmorning~"

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