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OH MY GOD?! 1.4K?!?!?! THANK Y'ALL SO MUCH I can't believe people are really reading this shitty book I'm writing. Do y'all really like this? THANKS AGAIN REALLY. This means a lot to me. ANYWAY BACK TO THE STORY‼️


the next day, Angel woke up still in the girls room with Fat Nugget and Nifty curled up next to him asleep. They had gone to sleep really late last night so they must have been very tired.

On the bed there was Cherry too, Cherry was a very messy sleeper and had very uncomfortable positions for anyone normal but somehow she managed to rest anyway.

Charlie and Vaggie were probably already went downstairs and ate breakfast not wanting to disturb or wake up the others.
Angel tried to reach his phone on the night stand to see what time it was. 1 pm.
damn it's really late, I have to get up... But how?
Angel didn't want to wake up the little pig and the bug demon resting next to him.

Eventually he got up and silently went to door and exited the room, walking towards his, to change.
He wore the same outfit as everyday, it almost looked like he had all the same clothes or he never changed, but actually he washed that white and pink striped jacket, black shorts and pink gloves everyday. Thanks to the hot temperature of hell would dry those clothes very fast and easily.

He got out of his rooms and walked towards the stairs meeting Charlie in the middle of his walk

Charlie: "good morning Angel! Nifty and Cherry are still asleep?"

Angel nodded

Charlie: "ok ok, I'll see you in a moment, don't worry about them they deserve to sleep a bit more. Especially Nifty, she works everyday all day"

Angel listened in silence, she was completely right. The little bug demon really worked a lot, she had to clean the whole hotel! Alone! They all knew that she liked to clean, but a little break wouldn't hurt her at all. The spider demon nodded again, he was still half asleep since he didn't wake up long ago. Charlie smiled and turned around starting to walk towards her previous destination but before she could take one more step away from the taller demon he grabbed her shoulder with his lower pair of arms and spoke

Angel: "oh hey Charlie"

Charlie looked at him

Angel: "thank you for... You know the sleepover.. I really needed some distraction and it helped a lot"

Charlie smiled widely. She was very happy that last night's sleepover actually helped him, Angel smiled back warmly.

Charlie: "anytime Angel"

Angel let go of her shoulder and they started walking on opposite directions.
Angel went to sit at the bar, it was already to late to eat breakfast anyway. Of course Husk was there cleaning some glass. As he noticed Angel, Husk started pouring him his usual drink without asking.
The cat demon handed him his drink and went back to clean

Angel: "thanks Husky"

Husk looked at him raising an eyebrow, he probably had told him an hundred times not to call him that but Angel wouldn't listen

Husk: "don't call me that"

Angel smirked

Angel: "I know you like when I call you like that, Whiskers~"

Husk: "no I don't"
Angel: "yes you do"
Husk: "no"
Angel: "yes"
Husk: "no Angel"
Angel: "yes Angel"
Husk: "shut the fuck up"
Angel: "nope"

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