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Their faces were inches apart. They were sitting in front of each other. Angel's low pair of arms holding Husk by his shoulders and the upper pair of arms on the cat demon's cheeks. On the other hand Husk had one arm resting on the counter and the other paw under Angel's chin

They were alone in the lobby. No sound could be heard or at least for them everything was muted.
Husk stared at Angel's lips and gently pulled him closer, but before their lips could met...

Husk looked at Angel in the eyes once again to get consent from the demon in front of him, Angel understood what Husk was asking him and blushing slightly he nodded


No one had ever asked for his consent to kiss him or anything, it was something new for him but he would definitely never say he couldn't get used to it after all...

Husk saw Angel nodding, so, after thinking if he really wanted it or not... Oh fuck was he really rethinking his actions? No way. He wanted this and he was 100% sure that it was a mutual feeling, nothing now was stopping him.

Husk removed the space between them, their lips met. A slow and loving kiss that slowly filled with passion

It was just the two of them, the two losers had finally met their "soulmate"... kinda ironic, isn't it? since their souls aren't theirs anymore. But who cares? Not them, or at least now it didn't matter.

Angel was sure that he would give his heart body and soul to that demon, the demon that made him fall in love so easily. Would this really end for the better or just go the same as Valentino? Angel was scared, he didn't want to be tricked again, but really what could Husk do? Valentino already possessed his soul so Husk couldn't trick him the same as his past "lover" that let's be real, he wasn't. He was just a manipulative fake asshole.

Husk, the demon, the person that once said "I lost the ability to love years ago" he really changed his mind, and the last person he would have expected managed to open that grumpy old heart of his. What could he say? He couldn't control over that feeling after all.

The heat and the passion of that kiss grew until they had to pull apart to catch their breath. They tested their foreheads against each other. Their heartbeats could be heard all over the room and their breaths synchronized. Angel was the first to break the comfortable silence that had been created between them

Angel: "I may be a porn star.. I may have kissed a lot of guys but... Holy Fuck... That was more than fucking amazing"

Husk chuckled and Angel smiled. How would they end their perfect moment? Oh no. They didn't want this to end.

Angel: "can we do that again?"

He suddenly asked slightly blushing. Husk smiled and rolled his eyes pulling Angel in another gentle yet filled with passion kiss and then again and again. They made out for at least ten minutes. It was an amazing feeling for both of them so why stop? None of them had a reason or was able to find one to let go of each other. No lust just love was told with those kisses..


(I'm sorry I know that this chapter is very short but I wanted this to be something just for them and no one else,  but unfortunately I don't know what else to add... So yeah I hope you enjoyed this sweet but short huskerdust chapter😊)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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