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It had been almost a week since that night at Rhysand's townhouse and I can't stop feeling their hands all over me. The males have taken me out for dinner and lunch a few times. But they honored my wish for them to not show up at the bakery... That is until today.

I closed the tab of my last table and was waiting patiently for them to finish off their teas when the front door chimed.

"I'm sorry, but the bakery is closing," I started to rattle off the usual script " We will open back tomorrow morning." I stopped dead in my tracks as I stepped around the doorframe to the back room.

My three mates were standing in the tight space. Normally the dining area was cozy, but with Cassian and Azriel standing there with their wings, I felt claustrophobic.

"We were hoping to catch you at closing, Darling" Rhys purred. He glanced down at the couple still sitting in the corner of the dining area. They stared at the three males in awe and bowed to Rhysand when they recognized him. "Are the treats really good here?" He asked them.

They started to rattle off praise for the bakery as they stood from their table. With a soft but quick farewell, they left the front door and hurried away.

I gulped now that it was just me and the three of them. "I need to clean their table" I said, grabbing the rag and tray. "What are you doing here?" I couldn't help the slight hiss in my voice.

"Do you really not want us here?" Cassian asked. There was a hurt in his voice that had me regretting my tone instantly.

"It's not that I don't want you here, Cass. I just don't want you following me back to my place." Why did I say that? Now they're going to start asking more questions. Azriel stepped up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. I couldn't help the flinch that shook through me. "Sorry, can you three just wait outside while I close up? It'll only be about ten minutes. Most things are done."

They mumbled an apology but shuffled out the door. I didn't dare turn around to see them leave. I couldn't look them in their faces after kicking them out. In the empty dining area, I was able to finally breathe in deeply.

I rushed through the final cleaning and locked up. When I turned around to find Rhys, Cass, and Az they were leaning against the wall in the alley across the way. The alley that led to my apartment.

I squared my shoulders and started to cross over to them. I walked up to Azriel first and wrapped my arms around him tightly. His arms encircle me and he bends down to press a kiss to the top of my head. "I apologize if we upset you, love."

I shook my head. "I'm not really upset."

Rhys pulled me from Azriel and into his arms. "You are upset. Don't forget I can see into your mind."

I slapped his arm. "You need to stop doing that." I pointed a stern look at him. "I need my privacy just as much as anyone else does."

"I know, darling. I plan to train you on how to shield your mind." Rhys stroked his hand from my temple to my chin. He angled my face up to him. "It's not safe for your mind to be open like it is. Especially with the three of us as your mates." He bent down and pressed a kiss to my lips. The contact instantly soothed me.

Before Rhys could linger with the kiss, Cassian pulled me away and wrapped me up in his arms. "I've missed you so much baby girl."

I giggled into his chest. "Cass, it's literally only been a day since you saw me. Remember we got lunch yesterday?"

"I know," he groaned. "But any amount of time is too long."

I just sighed and leaned into him.

After he got his fix of me, he pulled back and stared into my eyes. "Why don't you want to share your home with us? Is it really that terrible?"

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