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A/N - I know this is short, but I wanted to get this up for you guys. Thanks for the outpour of love for this story. I am enjoying writing this and have huge plans for the story. 

There was some confusion on my part. I made a slight adjustment to fix the error. Hope this helps. 


"We got our release, now it's you and Cassian's turn" Azriel said, low in my ear.

A shudder ran through my body as Cassian freed himself from his shorts. He moved to kneel between my legs and reached forward to tease the hem of my underwear. "Are you ready, baby girl?" He had a playful smile on his face, but his eyes were full of concern and seriousness. I knew from that look, that I was in control and if I said the word, everything would stop. But that was far from what I wanted right now.

I licked my lips and nodded my head. "Yes, I want you," I said. My breathing started to accelerate.

Cassian hooked his fingers into the top of my underwear and pulled them down. Azriel lifted me to get them past my butt. Once they were removed, Cassian grabbed me by the ankles and pulled me down so I was laying with my head on Azriel's lap.

Cassian caressed the insides of my legs softly, climbing steadily to the spot between my thighs. His hands drifted over my center and he ran a finger between the folds. "Damn, you're so wet for us baby girl." I released a strangled cry and he pushed a finger into me. He thrusted them in and out a few times before adding another finger. He did this slowly, adding fingers until four were in me. I realized quickly that he was trying to stretch me out.

It was not lost to any of us, that this would indeed be my first time. I looked to the side to see Rhys watching the scene unfold with both lust and concern. Without asking, I knew he was monitoring my reactions to each action. If I weren't so distracted by the way Cassian was curling his fingers in me, I would have given him shit for it.

Rhys's eyes moved from watching the connection between Cassian and I to my eyes. I held his stare as my heart rate accelerated. He reached forward and caressed the side of my face. "She's ready, Cass," he told our mate without breaking eye contact.

The bed shifted as Cassian pulled his fingers from me. The action was so fast and unexpected that I groaned at the emptiness I felt. I dragged my eyes from Rhys to Cass. He was looking down and I followed his gaze. His dick was fully erect and he was gently rubbing against my arousal.

Rhys laid down beside me and nuzzled into my neck. Azriel's hands started to explore my chest, pinching and squeezing. "It's gonna hurt at first" Rhys said against my neck. "I can reach in a block out the pain."

I shook my head. "No, I want to feel it. What's pleasure without pain?" Azriel grunted at that comment.

"I'll go slow," Cass said. He carefully positioned himself and started to ease in. There was an uncomfortable pressure and I squeezed my eyes shut. "Try to relax. When you tense up, your body naturally tries to reject me."

I pulled in a slow breath and released it even slower. True to his words, Cassian slowly pushed himself into me. Just like him, I watched as his dick disappeared in me. When he got half way in, a sharp pain shot from my center and spread up my spine. I whimpered and grabbed onto Azriel's thighs. Cassian froze and started to pull out.

"No!" I shouted. Trying my best to control my breathing, I loosened my grip on Az but did not let go. "I can take it. Keep going."

Cassian nodded and resumed his carefully controlled pace. He slid his hands up and down my inner thighs and I was grateful at the distraction. I moaned in bliss when his thumb connected with my clit. The sound was matched with a moan from Cassian as he easily pushed the remaining space into me. We were fully connected.

I snapped my eyes from our hips to see him already staring into mine. "I love you" I breathed out, nodding my head. He took that for the encouragement it was and started to rock his hips back and forth. The movement combined with the way his thumb was massaging my clit, and Azriel's hands on my chest, and Rhys's mouth at my neck had me a moaning mess.

It was getting harder and harder to breathe. My vision started to get fuzzy and my core was tightening. I pulled my hands from Azriel and grabbed onto Cassian's hand between my legs. The feeling was so overwhelming, it had to ease up somewhere. Cassian just released a grumbling laugh and leaned his body forward. His lips met mine in an intense kiss. I yanked my hands through his hair, releasing it from the cord he tied in it.

In just a few more thrusts, I fully came undone. Pulling away from Cassian's lips, I screamed out at the orgasm that rocked through me. It was so violent, my body was spasming. Cassian's movements sped up and became jerky. He pushed away from me and grunted as he pushed into me with a final force and shot his seed deep inside me.

Cassian fell back on his heels, pulling out of me in the process. His breathing was just as ragged as mine. My chest was heaving up and down. My body was not shaking anymore, but my core was still contracting. I felt liquid spill from me and started to freak out.

'Relax' Rhys said into my mind. 'It's natural. You did amazing. I love you.'

I smiled weakly and nodded my head.

My eyes started to droop and sleep overcame me. 

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