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We woke up an hour before sunrise.

Rhysand tried to slide out of bed without waking us up, but his position made that impossible. I was curled into his side with my head on his chest. Cassian was on his other side. His arm draped across Rhys's middle and curved around to hold him close. Azriel was behind me with his arm across my middle holding onto Cassian.

I knew there was a conscious effort on Az and Cass's part to ensure Rhys didn't sneak out.

A smile rose to my lips when I heard Rhys let out an audible groan. I snuggled deeper into his side and Az followed and squished me tighter between them.

"I need to leave at sunrise," Rhys said to the room.

"Then we have some time to show you what's waiting for you at home," Cass responded to him.

Rhys managed to pull himself to a sitting position in the bed. That left my head in his lap and Azriel and Cassian's arms around his thighs. "As much as I would love to have the scent of my mates all over me as a comfort, I don't want Amarantha or Keir to catch your scent."

I patted Azriel's arm, signaling him to let me up. "He's right. We shouldn't give them any reason to give Rhys more attention."

Azriel sat up with me. His arms wrapped around my waist and he settled his hands in my lap. "All that means is that we can give him a show. Like a teaser of what he will get when he gets back." Az nuzzled his nose into my neck and grazed his teeth against the soft skin there.

Cassian smirked at us from the other side of Rhys. I locked eyes with him as Azriel's hand dipped between my thighs. His fingers ghosted over my sensitive center causing me to suck in a breath. We fell into bed naked after our shower last night, so there was no barrier between his hand and me.

"Is he making you feel good, baby girl?" Cassian asked, his voice a deep rumble. "What do you need Az to do? What will make you the most happy?"

Unable to form words, I pushed my legs open and tried to push up into Azriel's hand. He just chuckled in my ear and tsked. "Use your words, love. Tell me what it is you want."

"I want you" I breathed out. "I need you to touch me."

Azriel's hand pressed against my lower stomach. "Touch you where?"

"Anywhere," I begged, "everywhere."

"Is that so?" I could feel his smile under my ear. "Cass, our girl is extra needy. I'm going to need your help since Rhys has to keep his hands to himself."

Cassian leaned over Rhys's lap and brushed a gentle kiss to my lips.

Rhys laughed and gave us each a kiss before climbing out of the bed.

I snapped my eyes to him. "Where are you going?"

"Relax darling," he flashed me a smile. "I'm getting out of the way so that I can watch the full show."

"You hear that baby girl? Our High Lord wants a show." Cassian shifted over to the spot Rhys vacated. He reached out and pulled me into his lap. "Let's give him the best view."

Azriel slid up beside us and leaned on his elbow. He reached over and replaced his hand back between my thighs. With the slowest of movements, he brushed one long finger across up my slit. He just kept a leisure pace up and down, but not giving me the pressure I desire.

"Az," I moaned, "please."

Cassian's hands traveled up my sides and cradled my breasts. His fingers flicked and pinched my nipples. "Az, how needy is she?" he asked.

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