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The next few days in the cabin were spent with us mostly tangled up in the sheets of the enormous bed. My guys took care of me and I took care of them. None of us thought about life outside the cabin until our final day there.

"Tell me again," Cassian said, gazing up into my eyes. I was sitting on the couch and he was laying with his head in my lap. He's been having me repeat the story about when Brynna and I nearly blew up the bakery trying to create a signature pastry for the shop. Apparently, he was no stranger blowing up buildings. However, he refrained from sharing his story regarding the matter.

"No time for more storytelling." Rhys said, walking out of the bedroom. "We've got to return to civilization today."

I let out a deep sigh and busied myself with combing through Cassian's hair.

"Where to, High Lord?" Azriel said walking in from the back garden.

Rhys stepped into his position of High Lord and started to instruct us on what we are to do back in reality. Cassian is to check on all the Illyrian camps, Azriel is to check on some situation that he and Rhys have been keeping an eye on, and I was to return to my job at the bakery.

For some reason, the thought of all of them being in different areas and apart from me seems like the last thing I could manage. I didn't realize I was crying until Cassian reached up and brushed a tear from my cheek.

"It will be okay Baby Girl. We can always schedule retreats back up here in the future."

I nodded my head and frantically wiped away any remaining tears. "I know. I don't know why I'm crying. I just got so used to us all being together. It seems too quick for us to split up from each other. Even if it's just for a short while."

"Darling, we're fully mated. We have a connection. You will be able to reach out to any of us at any time." My head snapped up to Rhys.

"What do you mean? How?" I can't believe we've been fully mated for days now and he's only now telling me about this.

Rhys chuckled and sat down beside me. "Remember when I explained to you about the bond? I told you that mates share a mental connection. Just like how I can share my thoughts with you and hear your thoughts." I nodded in understanding. "You will be able to share with Cass and Az and they with you."

I looked down to Cassian and then over to Azriel, who is sitting across from us. "How do you communicate?" I asked them.

They looked at each other then over to Rhys. "We don't know," Azriel said. "Any suggestions?"

"Wait," I cut in. "You two haven't communicated mentally?"

Cassian shook his head and Azriel said "No, the bond clicked into place for us the same time it did for you."

Cassian sat up and situated himself next to me. Rhys stood and swapped places with Azriel so that he was facing each of us.

"Are you ready for a crash course on mind communication?" Rhys asked. We all sat up straight and gave him our undivided attention. "Alright, just listen to me first before trying anything. You must focus your attention on the person you are wanting to communicate with. You should be able to feel the connection to them tighten. Then, with intention, just think what you are wanting to say to them and it should go their way. With practice, it will start to take less focus and will become as natural as talking with your voice." He looked over to Cassian, "Want to try first?"

Cassian nodded and stared at a fixed point on the floor. His brow pinched together as he became deep in thought. After a minute, Azriel's shoulders started to shake in amusement.

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