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Mor was at the townhouse when we arrived and was on board the second I mentioned Rita's.

She herded us into her room and we spent hours getting ready together. I didn't even know Mor had a room here until she told me each of Rhys's estates had a place for all members of his court. Her room was covered tastefully in textiles and had a comfort to it I felt only she could bring.

Mor was a wizard at getting ready. She meticulously selected our outfits for the night and danced around her room instructing us on how we should apply our cosmetics and fix our hair. Brynna took her orders without hesitation. She was a vision in the light blue velvet party dress Mor pulled from her closet. It was fitted in the bodice and flared out in a short skirt past her hips. Her hair was left down and straight with silver pins pulling it out of her face. She had dark smokey makeup around her eyes and her lips were painted a soft pink.

Mor circled around Brynna with a satisfied smirk on her lips. Then she turned towards me and her smile fell.

I was still wearing my dressing robe and my hair was a mess.

Brynna draped her arm across my shoulders. "Y/n is gonna need our help."

"Luckily, I don't need much time to look my best. I have spent the last 500 years perfecting it." Mor laughed cheerfully. Then she gestured toward the vanity and directed me to sit.

My oldest friend and newest friend worked together on my hair and makeup.

"Damn, Bryn. You're almost as skilled as I am with hair and makeup" Mor said while methodically twisting my hair into an intricate updo. "It'll be nice to finally have someone around with an appreciation for appearances."

Brynna smiled at the nickname given to her. She never struck me as someone who wanted a nickname. I've only ever known her to go by her given name. But thinking back, Brynna and I never really had permanent additions to our friendship. We would meet people and hang out with them occasionally after, but then lose touch with them. I'm excited to get to know how Brynna will be with new friends around us.

"I have been y/n's go to stylist since we first met." Brynna told Mor. She met my eyes in the mirror. "I was so excited when y/n entered my life. I never had any sisters or girl friends to enjoy this stuff with. But you" she said to me, "were more than excited to give me free reign."

"And you never hold back or make me regret it" I said to her.

The two of them talked about their favorite beauty products and fashion elements while they finished my ensemble. By the time they were done, my cheeks hurt from how much smiling I was doing.

"Put this on," Mor said, handing me a folded pile of purple fabric. I grabbed the clothing from her and walked into her bathing room. It was a set of high waisted, flowing pants and a tight fitting, halter top that stopped half an inch above the waistband of the pants. The material was stretchy and had a slight sparkle to it. Glancing in the mirror, I see that Brynna matched my makeup perfectly to the outfit. My hair, being pinned up, showed off the silver embroidery on the strap that encircled my neck.

I stepped out of the bathing room to find that Mor was not changed as well. She was in her signature red color, wearing a tight fitting dress that stopped halfway between her hips and knees. Her blonde hair was half pulled back and the rest fell in soft curls. She had a full glam makeup look that, if I didn't already know, I would have assumed she spent all day on. How she can look so put together so quickly amazes me.

"Get your shoes on and let's go. We're going to stop by Amren's and force her to come out with us" Mor directed, pulling out a pair of heels from her closet. "Are any of your males tagging along?" she asked me.

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