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"Quiet! You're gonna wake them up" Cassian's voice rang through my sleepy haze. I heard a hand slap someone and Cassian groan.

"You're going to wake them up, you bastard!" Azriel's voice rang out.

Judging by the fact that I was curled up on someone's relaxed chest, I assume that it was Azriel who just slapped Cassian. I slowly opened my eyes and glanced up at Rhys. He motioned for me to be quiet as we watched Azriel and Cassian squabble.

I had to stifle a giggle as they sparred with each other. And I had to mask a gasp as I saw Cassian grab Azriel by the face and press a hard kiss to his mouth. They kissed each other with so much passion and force that it couldn't have been the first time.

Reading my thoughts Rhys stroked a hand down my naked back. 'The three of us have been together for nearly five centuries darling. This is an almost constant morning tradition for the two of them.'

I internally moaned and felt the rumble through Rhys as he released a groan. 'I think I could get used to waking up to this.' I had never thought about being in a polyamorous relationship ever in my life. But remembering what these three males have done to me already and witnessing the passion between two of them sparked something deep inside me.

Rhys held me close and rubbed his hands up my back and side as we continued to watch the Azriel and Cassian. My eyes were fixed on the place where their lips met, and I missed whenever Cassian's hand must have drifted down between him and Azriel. My attention snapped to it when Azriel threw his head back in a strangled moan and Cassian began kissing down his body. Azriel's hands were on Cassian's shoulders guiding him swiftly down his body. When Cassian was finally on his knees before Azriel, he looked up into the shadowsinger's eyes and slowly took his cock into his mouth.

The sounds coming from Azriel stirred something inside me that had me writhing my body against Rhys's side.

'Enjoying the show?' Rhys purred into my mind. I pressed my body closer to his in reply. Rhys's hands slowed down as he brought one up to cup my breast and the other low to squeeze my ass. I sucked in a sharp breath at the attention he showed my body. 'You must keep quiet darling. Az get's upset if his release is interrupted.'

If he expected me to stay silent, then he must show me how. With a wicked smirk on my lips, I started to rub my hand along his muscled chest. I traced the marks of his tattoo and circled my finger around his nipples. With a featherlight touch, I trailed my hand down his torso and ever so close to his already erect cock.

'Don't start something you don't intend to finish' Rhys warned.

I turned my face up to his and stared into his violet eyes. 'Speak for yourself' I purred and thought harder about how his touch was making me feel. Just as I hoped, this caused his hand on my ass to move closer to my sensitive core. Just as his fingers dipped into me, I wrapped my hand around his cock. Following the pace he set, my hand started to slide up and down him with a slight twist.

I could feel the moans he was silencing both through the rumble in his chest and the never ending thoughts he threw into my mind.

Reveling in the feel of Rhys's mental and physical touch, I turned my attention back towards the other two males. Cassian was past taking Azriel slowly and has released himself for Azriel's control. Azriel had Cassian's hair wrapped tightly around one hand, guiding Cassian roughly up and down his cock. I followed the arm to his other hand and watched carefully as Azriel traced nonsensical patterns around the inside of Cassian's Illyrian wings. Seeing the reactions shutter through Cassian, I could tell this was just as intimate as anything else we were currently doing. If not more.

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