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Rhysand's lips were on my neck before we even landed inside his town house. I was cradled in his arms bridal style. He winnowed us there as soon as my stuff was packed. It appears he fully intended to continue our intimate moment in his more sturdy home.

I heard bags hit the ground as Azriel and Cassian dropped my belongings and encircled Rhys and I. Cassian cupped my chin in his hand and brought his lips down to mine. He was hungry for this kiss and wasted no time prying my lips apart to sweep his tongue across my teeth.

Azriel's rough hands started to travel up my thigh while he watched the other two males attack me with their mouths. The attention from my males got me hot and bothered and it was becoming very evident in my labored breathing and the scent of my arousal.

"Seriously," Mor's voice rang out, making me jump. "You can't let her fully settle before attacking? You Illyians are barbaric."

A wave of embarrassment washed over me. I didn't know anyone else would be here. I thought that bringing us right in the house would prevent anyone from noticing that we arrived. Suddenly feeling self-conscious, I pushed Cassian back and swiped at Azriel's hand. Seeming to know my wish, Rhys reluctantly put me down on my feet. But he kept his hand wrapped around my waist. Azriel, who was standing on my other side, slung his arm around my shoulder.

"Your timing is impeccable as always, cousin," Rhys said. The annoyance in his tone was heavy.

Mor gave him a sweet smile. "I live here too, cousin. You and your bat brothers are the ones who interrupted my afternoon nap."

I snapped my head to Rhys before looking back at Mor. "You live here?"

She smiled at me sweetly. "Yeah, but I don't normally sleep here. Rhys has a ton of residences where the inner circle has a room. I've actually been staying up at the House of Wind mostly. Especially since these three found you. I don't need to hear the Illyians grumbling about how much they miss you all the time."

"That's enough Mor," Cassian grumbled from Rhys's other side.

I laughed. "I see what you mean about grumbling."

Azriel groaned. "Great, (y/n) has officially moved in for all of five minutes and Mor has already stolen her from us."

I raised up on my tip toes and pressed a kiss under Azriel's jaw. Mor just laughed. "It was inevitable that your mate became my best friend. Now, be good boys and go put her stuff away while I steal her for wine and chit chat."

"Uh" I began. The heat from our arrival was still waving through me. "Can we schedule that for a later time?" The knowing look she gave me caused a blush to rise to my cheeks. With only a nod, she winnowed out of the room.

Azriel stepped in front of me. "Where were we, love?" He bent down and brushed a kiss across my lips. "That's right, you were about to be worshiped by us."

I was swept up into Azriel's arms in the blink of an eye. Cassian and Rhys were already at the top of the stairs and my bags lay abandoned in the entryway to the house.

They brought me into the same room we were in the last time I was here. Flashbacks of what happened then played in my mind. I made eye contact with Rhys, knowing he was seeing them too.

"Darling, we're going to make you feel even better than last time" he promised. "Set her down right there, Az."

I was placed on my feet and Azriel walked to stand next to Rhys. Cassian was on his other side. In unison, they all leaned back and sat on the edge of the mattress. "Go ahead and undress for us, baby girl," Cassian encouraged me.

I bit my bottom lip and turned around. Shadows met me as I faced the door. "No love, face us. We want to watch you" Azriel's voice was deep and rough. It seemed that he had the most desire out of them. I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like for him to unleash all of himself on me.

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