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I awoke in a large, plush bed.


Sitting up, I looked around the room to see if anyone was with me. But I was completely alone.

I pushed the covers off and exposed my naked body to the chilly air. There was a pile of clothes and a note sitting on top of the bedside table. I hopped off the bed and picked up the note. It was Rhysand's handwriting: We had to leave for a few hours to inspect a situation happening at one of the Illyrian camps. We'll be back before dinner. I placed the note down and pulled on the clothes that were left for me.

Dressed, I walked out of the bedroom in search of something to do. Glancing through the large windows, I saw that the sun was just beginning to set. Hoping my males would be back soon, I pulled a book off a shelf and snuggled up on the sofa by the fireplace.

The book I grabbed happened to be a history book of the Illyrians and their traditions. Apparently, as a rite of passage, every novice had to participate in the Blood Rite. It was the way they proved their training and became full fledged Illyrian warriors. As I read on and on about the rules and challenges of the Blood Rite, I found myself wondering what it was like for my Illyrians. Did they complete it at separate times? Or, were they forced to do it at the same time? Did they have to fight each other? I didn't want to think about them fighting at all, let alone each other.

I was a quarter deep into the book when the door to the cabin opened, flooding the warm living room with a chilled breeze. I didn't mind that breeze, because my mates stepped into the cabin with it.

I watched as all three of them scanned the room before landing their stares on me. They all looked exhausted and drained. The expressions had me jumping to my feet and taking them in one at a time. Examining them for any injuries.

"We're fine darling" Rhys said, stepping forward. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me in close to him. His arms wrapped around me tightly and he inhaled deeply.

Warmth enclosed me as I felt two other bodies pressed into the embrace.

We stood there, gaining comfort from each other for a while before Rhys pulled back.

"What was the situation?" I asked, looking at Cassian. He was Rhys's general, meaning the Illyrian warriors were his responsibility.

His lips twitched up slightly at the acknowledgement of his authority. "We are trying to snuff out misogyny among the camps. For centuries, they have looked at their females as housekeepers and baby makers. They go so far as to clip the wings of females before they can learn to appreciate them. We believe that the females would be an advantage in our armies. It's been a hard sell to the warlords."

"We got a report that one of the camps was planning a mass clipping today," Azriel added. "So we had to go and make sure the warlords knew the consequences of disobeying Cassian and Rhysand."

That would explain the strained expressions. I leaned in close to Cassian and rubbed his back soothingly.

"How long have you been awake?" Rhys asked, walking over to the sofa I had occupied. "Have you eaten yet?"

I glanced out the window to gauge the time. "I've been up for about an hour. And no, I haven't yet." Cassian sat down on the chair across from Rhys and pulled me onto his lap. He started to roam his hands up and down my sides.

Azriel pushed the blanket aside and sat down next to Rhys. His eyes caught on the book I had been reading and he looked up at me with shock in his eyes. "Read anything interesting in there?"

I smirked at him. "Nothing too interesting. I just got confirmation of why your Illyirans are so territorial." Cassian squeezed my sides in response to my jab. I giggled and shoved his hands away. He quickly replaced them on my sides and continued his exploration of my curves. "Actually, I read about the Blood Rite."

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