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"When you said cabin, I thought we would be tucked away in the woods. I didn't think you meant up on the top of a mountain." I was in complete shock at the scene around me when Rhys winnowed me. Azriel and Cassian appeared beside us a second later.

Rhys pulled me into a hug while chuckling. "Sorry to disappoint you."

I slapped his chest. "You know what I meant. This is beautiful." I spun around to take in the landscape. We were truly at the top of a mountain. It wasn't the biggest in the area, but we were at a much higher elevation than the townhouse in Velaris. Though it was the middle of summer, the air had a chill to it. The field between where we stood and the front door was covered in plush grass and I could see some deer beginning to retreat away from the patch they were munching from.

The cabin itself was stunning. It was a single story and expanded widely across the mountain top. "Shall I take you inside?," Rhys asked me.

I smiled up at him, "Please do."

Without another word, he swept me up in his arms and took off into the sky. In just a few seconds he was gracefully landing on the front steps. Azriel and Cassian were already inside and left the door open. Rhys stepped through the threshold with me still in his arms. I looked around to see a large room with wood-paneling. On the far right was a kitchen and dining room. The center of the room held a plush leather sofa covered in furs. It was facing a cozy hearth that was currently warming the whole space. To the left of the living area was a hallway. There were three doors which Rhys explained led to two bedrooms and a bathing room.

After allowing me some time to take in the space, Rhys walked over to the sofa, already occupied by Azriel and Cassian, and he placed me down between them. Instantly, they closed the space between them and I, to sandwich me in place.

"What do you think, baby girl?" Cassian asked as he nuzzled into my side.

I reached my hand up and started to tangle my fingers in his hair. "This place is amazing."

Cassian hummed in content as I started to scratch his scalp. "That's one of the perks being mated to the most powerful male in Prythian," he said.

Azriel reached around behind me and slapped Cassian in the back of the head. "You sound like a gold digger," he muttered. I giggled and turned to face Rhys to gauge his reaction to this. He was just leaning against the arm of the sofa smiling down at us.

"So, now that we're here, what did you have planned for us?," I asked Rhys.

"I was able to clear everyone's schedules for the next four days. We can find plenty of things to do up here," Rhys said, not answering my question.

Cassian's stomach took that time to let out a loud grumble. I looked down at him and saw the look of shock on his face. "Are you hungry, Cass?" I asked him with a smile.

"It's not my fault there wasn't time for breakfast." His shock turned into a pout and I flicked his bottom lip.

Rhys sighs and pushes himself up off the arm of the sofa. I watched as he started to make his way into the kitchen. Before he could get too far, I leapt up and rushed over to him stopping in front of him.

"What are you doing?" I asked him accusingly.

He looked down at me with an eyebrow raised. "I'm going to pull some stuff out for breakfast," he said, as if it was obvious.

I put my hands on his chest and started to push him back towards the sofa. "No way. I am making breakfast," I told him with a level of confidence that shocked me.

"(Y/n) do you understand what you are saying?" Rhys asked. He planted his feet firmly so that I could not push him back any farther.

I smirked up at him. "Of course I do. Now are you going to let your mate cook you breakfast? Or am I just making it for Azirel and Cassian?" I peered around Rhys's arm to see their reaction to my question. Pride welled up inside me at the joy on their faces. That pride only expanded when I saw the same joy reflected in Rhys's face too.

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