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The life we live is a crime scene, an enigma to be solved. One thing makes this life beautiful or terrifying. Our madness, as it has so much influence, makes it capable of interpreting it according to its own truth. But people need to understand that we are in a constant war between logic and madness. The question that baffles many is... who will win?!

I was nineteen years old and had gone through a long ordeal with not very easy situations in high school. My dedication to books was rewarded by winning a scholarship to study law in one of the best universities of America : the University of Yales,in New Have. I had choosen to study law, because my mother always used to tell me that "there is no love without justice". I was born in west Virginia and to this day I still live here. That means that I had to move across the country to a new state, even though when we talk about America, it's hard to understand, because there are lots of states and it seems like you are moving from here to there.

I had fallen asleep early last night, even though my eyelids were open. The alarm went off around 7 a.m, and I woke up to do my morning routine : washing my face, my teeth, brushing my hair and at last, dressing up. I took my luggage  and placed them near the door. I saw that my father was already up, and he was cooking simple things for breakfast. By the way, my name is Celia. I'm an only child and I live alone with my father. My mother died when I was 8 years old, by natural causes, or at least that's what they told me, to shut me up. They never let me see my mother, when they burried her, to give her a last kiss, and this is my regret.

"Celia, daughter...goodmorning." said my father.

"Goodmorning dad." I tell him.

"Why are you standing there?!" he asks. "Come here and eat something."

"Yes dad..."

"Do you need help carrying your luggages downstairs?" he offers help. "Sorry that I didn't ask you before."

"It's okay dad, I handled it,no need to apologise," I tell him, "because it's better for me to start doing things myself now, even though I don't feel ready to do so."

"Celia, come eat first, you can't think clear with an empty stomach."

At 8 a.m , I had rented a car to send me to New Have, Conecticut, and that means in about 15 minutes. I would spend those minutes with my father. I actually decided to leave three days before the univeristy started, so that I could get used to the new climate, a little bit. I couldn't forget the fact that I would also be traveling for a significant amount of hours. I was all sweaty from carrying my luggage downstairs, and a chunk of my ginger, curly hair were stuck in my forehead. I had very long thick hair, that made me look like a little bush.

"Celia be careful!" my father draws my attention.

"Em ?!" I wonder.

"Your hair daughter...they are all over your butter bread."

"Oh God...these hair seem like they are alive!"

"They're beautiful my daughter...just like...your mother's."

"That's the reason that I don't cut them off, dad. Because I know they remind you of mom." I said and started touching my hair, as if I was to find my mother in them. "Dad... will you be okay when I leave? It's the first time that I will be leaving him alone and I'm worried about the fact that..."

"Celia,my daughter," my father told me holding my hand, "the most important thing for me, is to see you accomplish all that your heart desires. Anyways, I'm kind of used with loneliness...somehow."

"Dad, this hurts me now..."

"Since the day that I lost your mother Celia...I...indeed that day they burried her, but a piece of mine was lost forever with her."

"Dad, please..."

I took his hand and placed it on my cheek. I felt my eyes tearing up.

"It was very hard for me to choose between you and getting educated...I don't even know how I made up my mind..."

"Celia, you have all your life ahead of you. The child is very precious for the parent...and you are so precious to me...you are your mother's legacy... I will be fine daughter, don't worry, at least I can cook pasta." he said and winked at me, smiling.

I gave him a little smile back .

"Are you only going to be eating pasta, dad?"

"Well, I will learn  to cook other meals along the way."

I still didn't understand how was I going to leave my father alone, with no one around. For many years we have been taking good care of each-other. Now I was ready to leave home, and spread my wings and fly,even though I didn't know how to. I still needed his two strong arms to support me. Many times this thing made me appear in the eyes of people as a "servant" and that my father was holding me back. The times that people told my father to find a wife, were uncountable, but he never accepted to marry again, because he felt like he was betraying the love my mother gave him.



"Weren't you going somewhere?"

"Me?!" I asked. "Oh ,yeah...I was lost in my thoughts."

"I noticed that..."

I quickly jumped up from the table and grabbed a jacket for the road. I threw the small bag over my shoulder and snatched the phone. As I was about to leave, I was startled by the door and paused for a moment. I turned back to my father, who was trying to hide everything with a gentle smile.

"I'm really going to miss you a lot."

"Me too, sweetheart."

"You will be okay,right?"

"Of course Celia, I will be alright, I promise you."

"I will call you whenever I get a chance."

"I know you will my angel, I know."

I grabbed the suitcases and took them out of the house, waiting for the car to arrive. The clock struck exactly 8:00 am, and the car appeared in the blink of an eye. The driver of the car came out and, with a mechanical greeting, took my suitcases and arranged them in the trunk.

"Take care of yourself, my child." my father said with a warm embrace.

"Without a doubt, I will dad."

I kissed him on the cheek. It was hard to accept that this moment wouldn't last forever, as I hugged my father. I got inside the car and put my backpack on the other side. I glanced at my father one more time. The house seemed to stand behind, somehow comforting him, assuring him that he wouldn't be alone.

"I love you, Celia."

"I love you too, dad." I called out from the lowered car window.

I felt the wheels turning, spinning around to head towards another place. I leaned out of the window to see him again. It was like I captured it in my eyes like a photograph, him slowly waving goodbye. The wind tousled my hair. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I started to laugh softly.

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