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A typical Saturday, day off for me. I worked non-stop in the department, and when I had these weekend breaks, I could breathe somewhat more freely, even though the flow and monotony of work had disrupted my work-life balance. Nonetheless, there were no exceptions that would allow us to be off work on weekends due to the intensity of the workload.

I would wake up every day at 5:00 in the morning and do physical exercises in the small corner I had improvised in my bedroom. Physical exercise was another inseparable part of my life, as it had become a habit since my time at the police academy, where I had to undergo training to become an officer. I would exercise for about an hour, sweating profusely. I would finish around 6:30 and head straight to the shower. In the shower, I would not only wash off the sweat but also cleanse my mind from any unnecessary thoughts unrelated to the other matter in my career.

I would throughly rinse myself and then head to the kitchen, where I would immediately start the coffee maker to make a strong and bold americano. While waiting for the process to finish, I took an egg, some green peppers, and mushrooms from the refrigerator. I cracked the egg onto a plate and then started chopping the peppers and mushrooms. Cooking was a passion for me, and the solitary life I lived had perfected my cooking skills. As I waited for the omelet to cook, I grabbed my coffee and started stirring. Coffee was like a drug to me. I drank about three cups and used a spatula to flip my omelet, then placed it directly on the plate. I had my breakfast and sat down at the table to consume it.

Truly, they say breakfast brings the family together, but for at least the past 7-8 years, it has been just me. My dear father passed away when I was very young, while serving in the country's army. As for my mother... well, she didn't want to stay in New Haven and decided to return to Norway with my younger brother, where she met someone else and they finalized it with a traditional marriage. I use work as a justification to stay here, but in truth, I don't want to know if I have a family or not. I was at my wit's end. I picked up the phone and found Cameron's number. I needed that file to continue with my hypotheses.

"I knew you'd be merciless, even on a day off?"

"Good morning to you too, Cameron."

"Seriously ? It's only 7:45 am."

"I'm not doing it to tease you, my dear." I said. "I would let you sleep, but for two reasons, I can't."

"Which are?"

"First, we're colleagues on this matter, and second, I still don't have the file I asked for."

"Ah, the file, I understand."

A long silence prevailed between us.

"Cameron?! Are you awake, Cameron?" I asked.

"I'm half-asleep on the phone. You'll have the file, my dear." he said after a moment.

On the other end of the phone, I heard an yawning that instinctively made me open my mouth as well. From what I had heard, it was catchy.

"I'll send it in digital form."

"Thank you."

The phone closed before even removing it from my ear. Something was certain, I would need to wait longer for this file than I had imagined, even though I was convinced that after he hung up the phone, Cameron had turned to the other side. But I didn't give up hope with this idea. I decided to strongly reject the idea that I was dealing with this matter and was removing it from the system. I washed the breakfast plate and left it for the excess water to drain. I decided to turn on the TV just to distract my mind from Cameron's delay with that file. Truly, it was unyielding; there was nothing to watch on that TV. The morning programs, the daily press : truly frustrating. My mind was stuck on the next matter.

I was determined and not having the matter resolved was just like breaking the heart of a teenager who had lost their love. I approached the window to see what was happening in the completely different reality from mine. There were sporadic movements of people, as it was the weekend, and they were going out with company. My pocket shook from a notification that came to my phone. I took out the phone and saw an email from Cameron.

"At last!"

I opened the email that my colleague had sent me, and in front of me, a blank page opened.

"That's it... just one page?!" I said, surprised.

I was completely shocked. The file contained only one page, without any suspicious elements, without any incriminating evidence. Cameron was calling my phone. I answered and put it on speaker.

"Did you open the email?" he asked.

"Yes, just now, but I'm surprised by the fact that... There's only one page, nothing serving as a starting point, you know. This is impossible."

"Look at the autopsy report attached to the file."

With a gentle swipe, I turned to the next page of the digitalized file.

"Rebecca Simons, eighteen years old, female." I began and read. "Cause of death: nine blows to the body inflicted by a cold cutting object identified as a knife. There are no signs of violence or substances leading to the victim's incompetence."

"Only this report may seem helpful." Cameron said.

"To be honest, Cameron, this doesn't help me at all." I said somewhat disappointed.

"Have you gathered any testimonies?"

"The girl was new here." he told me. "Her family members, friends, and even the landlord of the house where she was staying were taken into questioning."

"This is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Chief Campbell has his eyes on us Donovan."

"I know, Cameron, I know."

The only thing that came to mind at that moment was that we needed to reacquire the testimonies of everyone connected to Rebecca.

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