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I had experienced the loss of my loved ones, fear, panic, moments of despair, and my heart could not help but live with the feeling that everything, now and in the future, would go to hell. Even nature itself seemed to conspire with the rain and the thunderstorms to make me feel that way. However, as each day passed, I felt the need for revival. I had been through a lot in these weeks, but I refused to let these factors define me. Despite everything, I wanted to remain a beacon of strength, using my experiences as steps towards personal growth.

In recent days, I had found myself engulfed in an unfamiliar warmth within me. But it didn't take long for the enigma to be solved. It didn't take long to accept the truth that I was in love with Donovan. As the conviction settled in like an inevitable truth within me, my thoughts were now consumed by visions of a future filled with laughter, adventures, and a shared love that could withstand any storm. Only time would reveal the true nature of our meeting, but for now, the comforting thing was knowing that my heart had been awakened by the sweet and enchanting power of love.

It was Saturday. After work, I decided to do some shopping. I see that the weather is cloudy, but as long as it's not raining, it's fine with me. I have to walk about fifty meters to get to the nearest supermarket. As the automatic doors open, the scent of packaged goods fills my nostrils, making it a familiar aroma.

I walk through the aisles one by one, analyzing the products and prices with my eyes. I pick up the things I need and head to the checkout. First, I exchange greetings with a long line of shoppers, then with the cashier waiting for me with a mechanical smile.

With bags in hand, I leave the supermarket. It's very quiet and chilly. No one catches my eye, but as I take each new step, it feels like someone is watching me and I sense that I am being followed. I want to turn back, but my heart won't let me. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and my heart continues to beat harder. I quicken my steps as if I want to avoid it as much as possible.

The rustling of leaves makes the idea of someone following me even more terrifying. At this moment, I realize that what I'm feeling is not fear but terror. I believe there is not a drop of blood left in my face when I seem to hear faint footsteps behind me.

I want to run, but my knees are so shaky that I could collapse at any moment. It seems like I hear footsteps approaching from behind and the ground beneath me splits in two.

Fear makes me lose my composure and I give my legs all I can. The bags weigh me down as I run, and I remind myself that this run isn't worth it. I take a turn and my legs give way, crashing violently onto the pavement. The air escapes me like a gasp from within.

As I lie on the ground, struggling to breathe normally, I see the bags scattered around me, resembling trash on a windy day. I look at my hands, scratched and bruised, and feel the pain in my knees. The steps approach in my direction. Under the pressure of anxiety, with a trembling hand but being careful, I pick up the first sharp object my fingers touch and turn it towards him.

"Are you going to kill me with this?" he asks.

"I read that someone found death just from a pen in his throat," I say, still holding the key in front of his eyes. Just find the coronary artery.

Donovan continued to look at me in surprise.

"Why are you following me?" I ask.

"I'm not following you, girl," he said very seriously. "I was buying steak as I saw you on the other side of the street and decided to talk to you, but without waiting, you started running."

I felt my cheeks blush with shame and foolishness.

"Come, let me help you," he said, reaching out his free hand.

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