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Evening comes as a peaceful welcome after a splendid opera. As the evening began to don her dark blue dress and the air turned cool, she felt compelled to stand in front of the fireplace and watch the flames dance without a care. When the evening arrives, it is time for a deep reflection on the day's accomplishments, which in themselves are a source of pride that warms the soul and brings happiness.

The evening was a time of reward for your efforts throughout the day, where you enjoy simple pleasures and prepare for a world of dreams. With the fading of the last rays of light, slow thoughts set in, where my mind became like a perfect but burdened horizon. I was very comfortable in my pajamas in front of the warmth with a glass of aquavit, but that first December evening brought a change of course.

I was informed of a double murder on a city alleyway, and to be honest, it immediately caught my attention, making me decide to leave the comfort of my home to go out there.

"Where is Cameroon?" I asked.

"It should be down the street," Officer Burke told me.

"Nevertheless, I must start even without it."

I couldn't wait long for Cameroon as the troops would soon be leaving the crime scene.

"First victim, Savannah Duke."

Unlike the other victims, she was a blonde, which in a way ruled out the hypothesis that the killer was fixated on brunettes.

"For sure, we need to know her natural hair color."

"Without a doubt," the officer said. Was she on the list, right?

"Unfortunately, yes," I said after seeing her body.

I covered the victim's body with a white sheet and decided to check the other victim. The second victim was found a bit further down the alleyway, about two meters away from Savana's body.


"Cameroon, come."

"Sorry for the delay, just..."

"For now, I don't want to hear anything from you, but tomorrow I won't ignore this."


"Go and check the other victim."

"Now," he agreed.

I told Cameroon, who was also followed by Officer Burke, to check the other victim to get him a bit more active as he hadn't been himself lately. I didn't know what was going on, but sooner or later, he would be ready to hand over the badge.

"Detective Mayfire?"

"Yes, Officer Rossi?"

"We have seen many victims, but this one was too much for us and could be the same for Officer Burke. Women are more sensitive and..."

"Get to the point, officer?"

"The second victim is..."


The officer's scream pierced the sky. Her scream made us all shiver. It was a scream that bypassed the ears to connect directly to the heart, which responded only with crazy beats of anxiety. I ran towards her body, which was falling. I grabbed her by the shoulders, supporting her in my arms.

"Officer Burke, Officer Burke, please mention. Cameroon, what the hell happened?"

Cameroon stood with his hand on his mouth, trying to prevent himself from vomiting from his upset stomach.

"Cameroon, speak now!"

"You better see Donovan yourself," he said through struggles.

I left the officer's body in his hands, approached the second victim identified as a male named Tian Johanas. I knelt beside the lifeless body and gently removed the white cover.

"Oh great God, what is this?"

I turned my face away to avoid making eye contact with the victim. The boy was unrecognizable, so his DNA had to be recorded in record time, within a few hours. In the most barbaric and miserable way possible, he had been hit several times in the eye sockets, disfiguring his face. I ran off, not wanting anyone to have a nightmare tonight.

I stood up, returning once more to where the first victim lay. I distanced myself a bit, wanting to clear my mind from everything that had overwhelmed us. I just wanted a bit of calm, nothing else. I wanted things to be more relaxed and for this long bloody ordeal to end. I wanted the torture that had begun in July to end. I wanted an end like in every step of the journey.

The ambulance, with its staff, arrived at the scene, releasing the hospital staff armed with barrels. One by one, the victims were taken for further examination. After Savannah's body was lifted, on her right side was lying a silent red apple.

"Another apple."

I had seen that apple once before, just as red, just as silent, just as mysterious, and in the same place, near the victims.

"We need to take this apple matter seriously," I said, squeezing it tightly.

"Officer Rossi, take this apple seed and see if we can find any fingerprints."

"Yes, Detective Mayfire."

I started to analyze it and make comparisons with my mind, but this was an impossible mission as everything was happening in a disorderly, tangled way. Everything moved carelessly, slipping as if staggering in my mind.

"Conclusion for tonight?" Cameroon asked, removing his gloves.

Cameroon approached me when I needed him. I somewhat clarified, trying to keep my head and feet to his question.

"Savannah Duke was the next one, and that is clear, but..."

"But the other victim was not on the list"


"The hits in the eye area suggest that he had seen a lot"

"He had seen the crime scene" I said.

"We need to talk again tomorrow at the department", Cameroon said, shaking his hair.

"Of course, I said lightly. Oh, and Cameroon, it's best if you go straight home, get some sleep, and don't show up at the nightclubs. I want you sober."

"Don't worry, I won't."

I parted ways with Cameroon, who got into his car. I crossed the yellow tape that formed a small barrier between the scene and the rest of the people's activity. The ambulance was taking away the last victim, marking the end of tonight's show.


A call came from the end of the street where nothing else was visible, except a gust of air that carried the cold of the night and formed steam as if from a departing train. The panting coming from his mouth became frequent from the movement of his running feet.

"Hey, stop there, miss, it's a crime scene", Officer Rossi said.

"Please officer, I want to see my friend, please. Tian!"

"No one can approach here, miss..."

"Please, please"

I approached the girl who wanted to see one of the victims. Her sadness had left her with only one card in hand: crying.

"What's happening here?" I asked.

"Mister May..."

"It's you" I said.

"Please, you know me and I want you to let me see him one more time, please", she said, placing her hands, clenched in fists, on her chest.

"You cannot cross the tape, I'm sorry..."

"Please... let me see him one last time... don't take him away... TIANNN... TIAN... TIAN..."

Her screams and tears began to fade, leaving her in a free emotional state. Her cheeks, tired from crying and the silent screams, collapsed in my arms. Her face became even paler than usual, and her lips could hardly be found there. She let herself go like a marionette that didn't even realize suddenly, the strings holding her were cut abruptly.

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