Chapter 2: Parade Gone Wrong.

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*Sonic just finishes up cleaning himself up and looks at his clock which is 2:58*

Sonic: I can make it. Gotta hurry.

*Sonic then rushes out of his house and makes it on time to the auditorium* 

Sally: *sigh* Just on time. 

*Sonic takes a seat and Sally begins a speech. Little do they realize that Eggman and his army began surrounding the castle*

*But right on the pole of the flag of castle acorn was a purple hedgehog in a metal mask watching over and preparing for battle as he clenches his metal glove* 

Sally: Before we begin enjoying our parade, I would like to have a few words. For many years, Eggman and other enemies of ours have invaded our kingdom, attacked and hurt many people and destroyed homes. But thanks to the freedom fighters, we have now pushed back against our enemies and now we have a hope...that Mobius will be free again!

*Everyone begins cheering and the parade begins. But just as the parade began, the gates exploded open* 

Civilian #1: AHHH!

Civilian #2: What the-?

*As the dust fades, Dr Eggman and his allies begin marching inside the castle*

Eggman: Apologies for being such a party pooper! 

King Maximilian: Dr Eggman! Why are you here?!

Eggman: Isn't it obvious as always? Take over your kingdom, turn it into my new empire and destroy that annoying blue runt. 

Sally: You should've brought more with you because theres only little of you and thousands of us!

Eggman: Are you sure? *laughs maniacally* 

*Eggman's allies begin walking inside and that startles everyone* 

Jet: Heya, Sonic! Ha! Ready to get your butt whooped even worse this time?

Sonic: Oh...boy.

Tails: You all are here for Sonic?

Lightning Lynx: Why else do you think we came here?

Sally: Well, you'll have to get through us to capture him!

Zavok: Very well.

*The Freedom fighters and Eggman's army begin to engage in battle*

*Amy swings her hammer at Zeena, but Zeena dodges* 

Zeena: *sigh* Shame. I was really looking forward to taking your crush on a date with me.

Amy: YOU CANNOT TOUCH SONIC! *swings again, but misses again*

*Jet and Tails are engaged in battle and Jet charges at Tails, but Tails dodges the attack* 

Tails: You can try to capture Sonic, but it won't work. Not with all of us here!

Jet: *chuckles* Who said we needed to capture him here?

Tails: *gasp* 

*Sonic begins to run outside the castle with tons of villains surrounding him* 

Sonic: Thats it. Take it outside. 

*Predator Hawk punches Sonic and Sonic lands on the ground* 

*As Sonic attempts to get up, Sonic gets dogpiled by Predator Hawk and Lightning Lynx and hold him still to get punched by Scourge, Jet and Bark* 

Sonic: *groans* Think thats all I got?

*As Sonic gets held still, Fiona proceeds to walk up to him and puts her hand on his chin and leans his face up toward her face* 

Fiona: Ahh, Sonic. I've always wanted to give you a payback kiss. Mmm, well as soon as Scourge  gets here, I guess I'll give you...a bit of activity so you don't get bored~

*Just before Fiona could kiss Sonic, the villains surrounding Sonic hear screaming in pain and bones cracking in the distance*

Lightning Lynx: What was that...?

*Just then, Zazz lands on the ground...but he was dead. His face was punched several times and he was lying there completely unconscious* 

*This nearly shocks everybody and then try to walk forward to apprehend Zazz. But before they could, the purple hedgehog with the silver metal helmet lands down right in front of Zazz's corpse and looks at the villains and Sonic, blood on his helmet and metal gloves* 

 But before they could, the purple hedgehog with the silver metal helmet lands down right in front of Zazz's corpse and looks at the villains and Sonic, blood on his helmet and metal gloves* 

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*This causes the villains to back away in fear and gasp.*

Nack: W-what did...?

*The mysterious hedgehog proceeds to use heat vision and blast away both Lightning Lynx and Predator Hawk away, causing Sonic to go free and get out of sight*

Lightning Lynx: *groans* What..the..?

Predator Hawk: The hell are you supposed to be?

*Predator Hawk charges at the hedgehog, but the purple hedgehog grabs Predator Hawk and starts spin dashing him down to the ground endlessly* 

Predator Hawk: ACK! ARGH! Wait! ARGH! Wai-GAH!

*The hedgehog beats Predator Hawk unconscious*

Sonic: Dang...thats brutal...

*Rosy charges at the purple hedgehog with her hammer* 

Rosy: OOOOOOOO! A purple hedgy! 

*The purple hedgehog blasts Rosy in the chest with his heat vision, knocking her out*

*The purple hedgehog then starts flying toward Eggman and floats above all the other freedom fighters and Eggman*

Eggman: What the-? Who the heck are you?!

*The hedgehog doesn't respond and fire his repulsor at a badnik before proceeding to destroy multiple badniks by himself easily*

Sally: Who is that hedgehog?

*As the purple hedgehog finishes up destroying all the badniks, Eggman and his allies ultimately retreat* 

Eggman: Retreat! 

*The purple hedgehog then fires his heat vision at Flying Frog's back, killing Flying Frog in the process* 

Scourge: I'll be back...and when I do...I'll come for you.

*The purple hedgehog fires his repulsor at Scourge, hitting him and eventually Scourge retreats* 

*As the battle ends, the unknown hedgehog then runs away at a powerful and fast rate*

Sonic: Wait! Wait!

Knuckles: Who the heck was that?! He just killed 3 of our enemies easily! 

Sonic: That was brutal...I'll admit that.

Sonic: But his color...he looks someone I knew...

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