Chapter 11: Story Time

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Flare: The chaos emerald is infected?

Michael: Yeah, some kind of being has been infecting the chaos emeralds to harvest their power off of them.

Flare: I see...if that is the case then I must speak to my mother and father about this.  

*Flare and Michael walk into a private conference room to meet King Markos, Queen Iris, Sonic and Hal*

*Flare and Michael walk into a private conference room to meet King Markos, Queen Iris, Sonic and Hal*

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*Just then, another hedgehog in light blue walks inside*

*Frost the Hedgehog*

Frost: You summoned me, Father?

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Frost: You summoned me, Father?

King Markos: Yes, thank you for coming, Son. 

*Frost walks up to Flare and hugs him*

Frost: Happy Birthday, brother.

Flare: *smiles* Thank you, little brother. 

*After the break the embrace, the two walk toward the stone table where King Markos opens a dark looking book*

King Markos: You say these Chaos Emeralds are infected, my boy?

Green Lantern: Yes, sir. They have been resonated with Yellow Lantern Fear Power, meaning Sinestro's surging its power off of it. But the question is why?

King Markos: Well, it is good you have two emeralds in your possession and we may have a speculation of who he is working for. *Turns the page*

King Markos: Many years ago, there was a hedgehog...a hedgehog of pure evil intentions. One that intended to endlessly gain power and become a god emperor of this world. He became known as "Dawn the Unstoppable". The legends say that he cannot be killed by ordinary mortals, only the strongest of the omniverse. Eventually, the nations all around the world came together and formed an alliance to rise against the dark lord. It was a very slippery battle, the fight would have gone either way, but the rulers of those nations were able to seal the dark lords powers away in the Chaos Emeralds. Therefore now, the dark lord has no power to return and rise to power again. 

King Markos: But now it seems that he has gathered allies of his own who have apprehended the Chaos Emeralds and are now attempting to steal it power and regain this dark lord's abilities. 

Michael: So...if someone is infecting the emeralds with Fear Power, then that means Sinestro is giving that power to Dawn. 

Flash: And if Dawn cannot be stopped by mortals, we need to send word to all of the other nations to warn them again.

King Markos: We must align again to guarantee the future of our world. The dark lord must be stopped at all costs. If he rises to power again, it will be the end of not only our world, but the end of the Omniverse. 

*Queen Iris hands Micheal a map of the nations*

Queen Iris: Here, this will guide you to all the other nations. And be carful, there may be more enemies out there.

Sonic: Yes, your highness. *bows*

*Queen Iris and King Markos chuckle*

Flare: Father, Frost and I would like to ask to join Michael and his cousins on this mission.

King Markos: My son, as much as I see you wish to assist your new friends on this quest, I am afraid this mission is too dangerous for you and your brother.

Frost: Oh, come on, dad. We can take whoever. 

Queen Iris: My sons, I cannot put you both in a high position of such risk. 

Flare: Father, please. This will bring great reputation for Askalamos. 

King Markos: As much as our reputation is important, family is more important. 

Queen Iris: Your father is right. As much as we are honored for you willing to assist these brave travelers on this mission, we have no wish of putting you in harms way. 

*Meanwhile in the dark kingdom* 

*A purple hedgehog with a yellow lantern suit walks up to a chamber where Dawn was being resonated with the powers of the Chaos Emeralds*

*Sinestro The Hedgehog*

*Sinestro The Hedgehog*

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Dawn: Sinestro...enter...

*Sinestro enters the chambers and looks at Lord Dawn*

Sinestro: Yes, my lord-

Dawn: I thought I could trust you to surge the Chaos Emerald's powers using your Fear Power. But it seems that our enemies have recovered two of them. Now...find them...and kill anyone who dare stand against us. Do not show the slightest pity or mercy...and kill those hedgehogs. Or feel my grip on your neck...

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