Chapter 12: New Servent

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*Hal quickly replenishes the chaos emerald back to its reddish color* 

Hal: Its replenished. 

Michael: Good, lets take off. 

*Michael, Sonic, Flash and Hal start running/flying outside and out of Askalamos* 

Michael: How far are we to Aphetia?

*Hal looks at the map and they are about 430 miles away*

Hal: About 430 miles plus approching Teraterrania. 

Michael: Oh. Well I guess we better head there anyway in case theres another chaos emerald there. 

Sonic: Whats Teraterrania?

Flash: Rainforest. Jungles, forests, you name it. Its basically a forest city. 

Sonic: Nice.

*They all speed up and into a massive rainforest*

*Meanwhile with Amy, Tails, Knuckles, Cream, Cheese, Sally and Nicole*

Amy: Sonic! Where are you?

Tails: Amy, I really don't think we should be doing this.

Amy: Then how do we know Sonic will come back?!

Tails: He will. When has Sonic never come back?

Knuckles: Besides I'm missing out on Angel Island protecting the master emerald!

Amy: You mean when has Sonic kept leaving us and scaring the heck out me and worrying me to my last breath?! Also, Knuckles! You think I care about if you follow me or not to go look for Sonic?! I did not say you have to follow me! But I will not stop until I guarantee Sonic is fine!

*Tails, Knuckles, Cream, Cheese and Sally freeze*

Amy: Yeah, thats what I thought. Now lets move!

Knuckles: Amy, above you!

*But just as Amy takes another step, another Hedgehog in Crimson Red with green glowing eyes tries to punch Amy from above, but luckily Knuckles grabs Amy and they both dodge the attack.*

Knuckles: Hey! Watch where you're going, dude!

*But the hedgehog then gets up from his punch and looks up at them, scaring Cream and Cheese to hide behind Sally*

Tails: Listen, Sir. I don't know who you are but just explain who you are, why you're around here and we'll let you mind your own business.

*Azibo the Destroyer*

Azibo: Really? Well then

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Azibo: Really? Well then...I'm here for that Chaos Emerald that you so guard. Hand it over and the dark lord shall spare your kingdom. 

Knuckles: Hey! Whats that supposed to mean?! You think we're just gonna give it to you? You'll have to try and take it from us!

Sally: Sorry, sir. But Knuckles here is right, we cannot give you the chaos emerald.

Azibo: Terms....accepted. *jumps in the air and yells and then lands down, punching the ground but Knuckles dodges*

*Azibo quickly runs toward Knuckles and punches Knuckles multiple times, Knuckles nearly blocking them all before being hit one time and then Azibo's fist glows with a red aura and lands a powerful punch on Knuckles, sending Knuckles a few feet back*

*Azibo then turns his attention toward Sally, Tails and Amy* 

*Amy charges at Azibo and swings her hammer at him, but Azibo easily grabs the hammer's head and smiles at Amy, while Amy struggles for it to get free from Azibo's grip* 

*Azibo then kicks Amy away and Amy gets sent flying toward a tree*

*Tails charges at Azibo, but Azibo grabs onto Tail's back and looks at him*

Azibo: Such potential wasted. *throws Tails on the ground and knocks him out*

*Sally activates her ring blades and charges at Azibo* 

*Sally swings her blade at Azibo, before Azibo dodges her attacks and unsheathes his swords* 

*Azibo chuckles and engages in a blade duel with Sally, Azibo however after a couple minutes overpowers Sally and punches her away* 

*Azibo then turns his attention toward Cream and Cheese, who were shaking in fear*

Azibo: There is no need for us to fight, little bunny. Just hand over the emerald and your family shall live.

*Knuckles gets up and attempts to punch Azibo, but Azibo blocks Knuckles' attack and stumbles him a few feet back*

Knuckles: Cream! Run! 

*Cream and Cheese run away*

*Azibo sees Cream and Cheese run away and smirks at Knuckles*

Azibo: There's nowhere left for you to run, Echidna. Give me the emerald!

*Azibo and Knuckles charge at each other before Azibo lands a hit on Knuckles' face, but Knuckles gets back up and attempts to hit Azibo, but Azibo dodges it* 

*Azibo then kicks Knuckles a few feet back before finally launching him into the air and then turns his fist into red energy and landing a powerful plasmatic punch, sending Knuckles straight down, exploding the ground*

*Knuckles lays on the ground, defeated and injured and tries to crawl away but is stopped by Azibo*

Azibo: *laughs* It all ends here. 

*Azibo lifts Knuckles to the air and nearly chokes him*

*Azibo then notices something green in the air and sees Angel Island* 

*Azibo then smiles and chuckles before dropping Knuckles down and begins running toward Angel Island while laughing manically*

*Knuckles groans in pain as he watches Azibo run toward Angel Island*

*Amy, Tails and Sally get up and they help Knuckles up*

Amy: Knuckles! You alright?

Knuckles: Heh. Never better. That guy was tough!

Sally: Wheres Cream?

*Cream and Cheese return back and run toward them*

Cream: Right here, Mrs Sally.

Cheese: Chao!

Knuckles: *groans* Now he's going after the master emerald! I have to get back. *grunts*

*Knuckles collapses on the ground and the others help him up again*

Sally: Knuckles, you're too injured. Let the Chaotix help out.

Knuckles: They'll get beaten up too! You saw that hedgehog. He nearly killed us!

Sally: It'll be no different if you fly to Angel Island injured. You need rest. I'll send as much help as I can to help guard the master emerald. But right now you need rest. 

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