Chapter 16: Master Emerald

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*Azibo was running toward Angel Island and then jumps onto a mountain and begins climbing it, the mountain reaching Angel Island's size*

*Azibo then grunts with effort and jumps extremely far, far enough for him to grab onto an edge of Angel Island and climb up*

*Azibo then sees a temple on the middle of the island and chuckles while walking toward it*

Azibo: At last. The Master Emerald. Now, nothing can stop the dark lord.

*Azibo runs toward the temple and enters the chamber and sees the Master Emerald in the middle*

Azibo: *laughs manically* This..will please my master and bring true order to this world. *walks up to it*

*Azibo walks up to the Master Emerald and reaches for it only for a blast of energy to hit Azibo and knock him down the stairs and hit the ground*

Azibo: *groans* What in...?

*It was Michael who was levitating and lands on the ground*

Michael: Didn't your parents tell you not to touch things that belong to others?

*Azibo grunts and gets back up*

Azibo: *chuckles* 

Michael: What?

Azibo: Did you really think I didn't come here with back up?

*Michael looks around him and sees other villains Sonic faced entering inside. It was Surge the Tenrec, Kitsunami the Tenrec, Metal Sonic, and the Hooligans*

Michael: Seriously? Is this all you brought?

Surge: What? You underestimating us?

Michael: Ok, so you have some surprises even though they failed to surprise me. But I've got some of my own.

*Metal Sonic charges at Michael, but Michael then disappears within a split second and then kicks Metal Sonic away, ultimately exploding Metal Sonic to pieces*

Michael: Anyone else?

*Azibo charges at Michael, but Michael kicks him away and Surge tries to hit Michael but Michael spindashes Surge away*

Michael: Too easy.

*Kitsunami using his Hydro Pack creates a bunch of hydro tails to attack Michael, but Michael was too fast and appears right in front of Kitsunami as Michael grabs Kitsunami's face and smashes his face to the ground*

*Michael then grabs Kitsunami by the leg and begins swinging him at Surge, Azibo and Bark, hitting all three of them and throwing Kitsunami at Surge*

*Surge gets hit in the face by Kitsunami and pushes Kitsunami off her*

Surge: Ok, *groans* you have some skill, purple. But what else you got?

*Surge charges at Michael to grab him, but Michael dodges and notices Azibo and Surge both charging at Michael and the same time*

*Michael leans his head down while levitating in the air with his arms forming an X. As Surge and Azibo nearly touch Michael, Michael leans his body back up and breaks the X stance causing him to unleash a raditional power surge burst and blast everyone away and sticks the landing.*

*As the power surge fades, everyone except Michael is on the ground, defeated and injured*

Michael: Who's next?

*Michael then notices Nack groaning and speaks*

Nack: Wait...till we get our hands on your brother, *chuckles*. It'll be so amusing to stuff his head in the bag.

*Michael then notices Bark attempting to grab him but Michael brutally kicks him on the face and throws him to the ground*

*Surge charges at Michael and grabs one of Michaels hands and Michael grabs one of Surges hands and they proceed to try and push each other*

*However Michael easily gets the upper hand and slaps Surge in the cheek before grabbing her legs and flipping her to the ground, making her brutally land on her face*

*Michael then notices Azibo charging at Michael, but Michael grabs him and grapples him on the neck*

Azibo: You won't see your family much longer. Lord Azibo...will win and rule...all. 

Michael: *whispers* He can try. But there is one thing I will make clear to everyone in this room...stay away from my family.

*Michael quickly grabs Azibo's head and snaps his neck, causing Azibo to collapse and fall onto the ground*

*An injured Surge, Kitsunami, Nack, Bean and Bark notice it and look at Michael in absolute shock and horror*

Michael: Thats for everyone who dares to come after my family...NEVER EVER COME AFTER MY FAMILY!

*They all get up and walk away from the temple*

*Michael watches as Surge, Kitsunami, Nack, Bean and Bark slowly and painfully walk away from the chamber*

*Michael then sighs and levitates back up before proceeding to fly fast back to Teraterrania. 

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