Chapter 3: Meanwhile Somewhere Far Away...

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*Meanwhile, approximately 1200 miles from Mobius is another great city. In the city runs around a Hedgehog wearing a Red suit with a lightning bolt enpatterned on his chest armor.*

Flash the Hedgehog

Flash: Gooood morning, Central City

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Flash: Gooood morning, Central City. The city full of good coffee, rising sun and kind hearted citizens. *chuckles* Well, maybe not everyone, but most people. 

*Flash runs down from the building and runs toward at a nearby coffee shop* 

Flash: Hello! One Coffee with 3 cubes of Sugar and a half cup of cream, please.

Waiter: Alright, one Coffee with 3 sugar cubes and a half cup of cream coming up.

*About 2 minutes later, Flash's coffee arrives and Flash takes a sip*

Flash: Ahhh...what a way to start the say...with a nice hot coffee. *takes another sip*

*A civilian screams from the distance making Flash spit out his coffee*

Flash: Ack! Jeez! *looks toward the scream*

*It was a civilian being hanged on the building by her shirt*

Citizen 1: Oh my god! She's gonna fall!

Citizen 2: What should we do? Should we call the police?

Citizen 3: I don't know if they'll make it on time!

*As the citizens looking below the girl start entering a rapid conversation, Flash finishes his coffee and uses his super speed to run* 

Flash: Ok, *stretches his fingers* Time for some fun. *starts running*

*Flash stops the time and runs up toward where the girl is and releases her from the pole. After doing so, he grabs her and carries her back down the building and to the ground safely. After saving her, Flash reactivates the time* 

Female Citizen: *gasps and pants* O-oh my god...d-did you get me down here?

*All the other witnesses begin looking at Flash, gasping in shock and amusement* 

Flash: You're welcome, little lady.

*That compliment makes the woman blush slightly* 

Flash: Welp. Time to go. See ya later. *runs away in a flash leaving the witnesses amused and cheering* 

*Flash begins running toward a collapsing building leaving my civilians panicking*

Flash: Oooo, boy. 

*Flash runs inside and runs out with 2 civilians, gently placing them outside the building and onto the grass* 

Flash: You guys okay?

Victim 1: Yeah. Thanks. 

Victim 2: There's more people in there.

Flash: Don't worry, I'll get them. *runs back inside* 

*Flash runs back and fourth inside the collapsing building gathering all the workers out of there and placing them on the grass*

*Just as Flash finishes getting everybody out, the building begins tipping over and starts heading down on a bakery* 

Flash: Oh no...

*Just as Flash was about to make a move, the building stops tipping over. It was being held back by some kind of glowing green construct holding the building from falling* 

???: Don't worry.

*Flash looks up to where he heard that and chuckles*

Flash: About time you came, Lantern. 

Hal the Hedgehog (Green Lantern)

Hal: *chuckles* I was definitely not gonna let that building destroy my favorite bakery where I get my donuts

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Hal: *chuckles* I was definitely not gonna let that building destroy my favorite bakery where I get my donuts. 

Flash: Ha! Neither was I. 

*Hal levitates down and walks to Flash, the two high five* 

Hal: Good work, dude.

Flash: Same to you, buddy.

Flash: Donut?

Hal: *chuckles* Sure. 

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