Chapter 6: Sonic's Departure

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*Sonic looks at a picture in his room of younger him and his brother, Michael*

Sonic: *sigh* I miss you, bro. I wish you were here.

Jules: I miss him too, bud.

*Sonic looks at his dad, Jules walking in his room*

Sonic: You read my mind, pops.

Jules: *chuckles* I guess I'm the mind reader now. 

Sonic: *chuckles* ...Yeah, I miss him too.

Jules: That hedgehog from earlier. You said he had purple fur?

Sonic: yeah, on his chest. Like mine, but it was more purpler. Then again, maybe its just me or another person.

Jules: *sigh* Sonic. I think there is something I should tell you. About our family. 

Sonic: *Looks at his dad* Ok..?

*Jules and Sonic walk downstairs to the basement where there was a room full of pictures of other hedgehogs and many locations*

Sonic: Whoa! Who are all these people?

Jules: These...are all of your family. All our family, son.

Sonic: *becomes shocked and his eyes widen alot along with his mouth almost reaching the floor*

Sonic: This...this is incredible, dad. W-why didn't you tell me before?

Jules: I just needed to find a correct moment...and to protect them from the public...and Eggman.

Sonic: *nods* Makes sense...I guess.

Jules: Anyways, our families have been scattered across the world into multiple kingdoms, cities and empires. Some have their own religion and culture and some are other territories of Mobius. 

Sonic: This is huge, pops. If we have more family out there, then that means...

Jules: You can meet them all and bring them together to work with you and defeat Eggman.

Sonic: But Dad. What if I'm too late or one of them gets hurt?

Jules: Ah, do not worry, Son. Just like you, they too have special powers. Each have special abilities of their own, similar to yours.

Sonic: I guess if they do then that should be enough for us to defeat Eggface. 

Jules: It'll be more then enough, Sonic. Trust me. Now, take this map. *gives Sonic a map*

Sonic: *puts the map in his knapsack* Thanks, dad.

Sonic: I'll quickly tell Sally and the others to-

Jules: Wait, Sonic. Don't let anyone assist you. This mission is personal for you. Family business.

Sonic: Alright then, shouldn't I at least tell them that I'm going?

Jules: No, it must never be known to them, especially the Acorn kingdom. These empires and kingdoms must be secretive at all costs, understand?

Sonic: Got it. Understand dad.

Jules: Good. Now Sonic, take a few chili dogs for the road along with some drinks. 

*Sonic runs upstairs and packs more then 50 Chili dogs and drinks and then hugs his mom*

Bernadette: Be safe, my baby. Be back soon!

Sonic: Aw, sheesh mom. I'll be fine. I promise.

*Sonic then hugs Uncle Chuck*

Uncle Chuck: Be carful out there, Sonny boy.

Sonic: I will, Uncle Chuck.

Jules: Good luck, Sonic. Be safe.

*Sonic hugs Jules*

Sonic: I will, dad. I'll be back home and I'll be back safe. That is a promise.

*Sonic then runs out of the house and straight out of knothole city* 

Tails: Whoa! Where's Sonic off to?

*Sonic runs straight out of Mobius and into the forest and sighs in hapiness* 

Sonic: Ahh, what a nice day for a run. Of course I gotta run aaalll the way from Knothole to Central City to this and that and I don't know. *checks his map* 

Sonic: I think I'll first go to central city since I'm the closest there. Then I'll head to Takamaki since it sounds cool and then, well I'll decided when I talk with my cousins.

*Sonic puts the map back inside his backpack and sits down. He then takes a Chili dog out of his backpack and takes a bite*

Sonic: Mmmm. Still warm. *munch*

*Sonic looks up at the sky and finishes his Chili dog before falling asleep*

*Meanwhile back at Knothole city*

Sally: Hey, Tails? Where's Sonic? I haven't seen him in a couple hours.

Tails: I haven't seen him for a while either. He just ran out the city and didn't tell me.

Sally: Weird. Will he be back?

Tails: I'm not sure. I don't think he told anyone.

Sally: Hm...well I'm sure he'll be back later.

Tails: He's usually not gone this long. What are you up to now, Sonic?

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