Chapter 17: Meeting Queen Buer

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*Michael, Sonic, Flash and Hal were all waking up and yawning*

Michael: Well...its about 8:30...Oh crap, We're gonna be late!

Sonic: Gotcha! Quick breakfast! 

*Sonic using his super speed throws some bread in the toaster and presses the button*

*Michael quickly wipes his helmet with a towel and the helmet shines*

*Flash quickly changes from his pajamas to his suit*

*Hal panics as he runs around all over the room looking for his ring until he finally finds it under the bed and puts it on his middle finger*

Hal: Whew. Found it.

*Liko opens the door and smiles*

Liko: You ready, guys?

Sonic: *chuckles* You betcha!

*Sonic, Michael, Flash, Hal and Lika along with Nahida start walking to the castle* 

*Sonic, Michael, Flash, Hal and Lika along with Nahida start walking to the castle* 

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Sonic: Woah! Sick!

*Nahida chuckles*

*They enter the castle and enter the throne room*

*Michael, Sonic, Flash, Hal and Liko kneel down and wait for Queen Buer until they hear a calm female voice echo from two tubes*

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*Michael, Sonic, Flash, Hal and Liko kneel down and wait for Queen Buer until they hear a calm female voice echo from two tubes*

???: May I please see Michael the Hedgehog real quick for a private word? I'll get to the rest of you in a second.

*Sonic, Flash, Hal, Nahida and Liko look at Michael and Michael removes his helmet and stands up*

???: Wonderful! Now, I'm just behind that throne room. Walk past it into my lovely Plant room. *chuckles*

*Michael slowly walks past the throne and behind it lies a massive leaf styled door and he enters it slowly and gently closes it after entering*

*Michael slowly walks past the throne and behind it lies a massive leaf styled door and he enters it slowly and gently closes it after entering*

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*Michael then looks around at the Green room*

*Michael then looks around at the Green room*

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*Michael walks through and looks at all the plants and flowers until he decides to pause and kneel as he approaches the pool*

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*Michael walks through and looks at all the plants and flowers until he decides to pause and kneel as he approaches the pool*

Michael: Queen Buer. I'm Michael the Hedgehog. You...requested me and my cousins here?

*Just then a beautiful woman chuckles and steps out of the shadows*

*Queen Buer*

Buer: *chuckles* You must be Michael

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Buer: *chuckles* You must be Michael. *looks at a lotus* Well I think he looks cute too. But I can't get him to stop doing it.

*Buer then looks at Michael and approaches him*

Buer: I've heard your long journey here from Knothole because you have heard word of the dark lords uprising. 

Michael: Mm-hm.

Buer: *chuckles* Oh...and that voice of sweet.

*Michael blushes a little but shakes it off*

Michael: Um, anyway. Yeah, the dark lord has been stealing these chaos emeralds and attempting to surge its power off them. *takes one out of his bag to show Buer* Once he-

*Just before Michael could say anything, vines wrap around Michael and Buer walks up to him*

Buer: surges their energy, he's going to destroy them. I know, I know. But I'm not completely helpless you know.

Michael: I am aware, your highness. You're the life of this nation. Looking after you and every other nation is my job.

Buer: *steps closer toward Micahel* Is that the only reason you're doing this?

Michael: Isn't that reason enough?

Buer: *leans in further* If thats the only reason there is~

Michael: *blushes* Your majesty?

Buer: *leans in further* Yes?~

Michael: I'm...not ticklish...

Buer: *laughs* Oh! I thought I got you there!

Buer: *chuckles* Very well. I understand your concern. For now though, lets meet up with your cousins of yours huh?~

Michael: Ummm...yeah, we should.

Buer: *chuckles*

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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