Chapter 14: Running out of time

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*Azibo continues running and jumping toward Angel Island and stops to hold out a red-lavish stone before dropping it on the ground and kneeling while the rock breaks and the rock begins to form a smokish figure of lord Dawn and Azibo kneels*

Dawn: What is it, Azibo?

Azibo: My lord. I have discovered the location of a very powerful emerald. It is on Angel Island. It is more powerful then the other 7 chaos emeralds. 

Dawn: Ahh...The master emerald. Well done, Azibo. Retrieve the emerald from the island and bring it to me. 

Azibo: Yes, my lord. And those who guard it?

Dawn: Ahhh....Kill them all.

*The smoke then disappears and Azibo begins running again*

*Meanwhile in Teraterrania, Sonic, Michael, Flash and Hal were looking around the spice and food*

*Meanwhile in Teraterrania, Sonic, Michael, Flash and Hal were looking around the spice and food*

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*They then approach a street food vendor*

*They then approach a street food vendor*

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Chef: Hello, my friends from far away. What are your orders?

Michael: Hi, um...4 things of Samosa please. 

Chef: You got it! 4 Samosa coming up.

*After a couple minutes, the chef brings out 4 plates of Samosa*

Chef: 4 Samosa here!

Sonic: Mmmmm, looks great

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Sonic: Mmmmm, looks great.

Flash: Lets dig in!

*They decide to take a seat in public seats*

*They decide to take a seat in public seats*

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*Sonic takes a bite of the Samosa*

Sonic: Mmm, so good.

Flash: Yes, this is one of the best snacks I've ever had.

*They all eat their Samosa and finish up*

Sonic: *wipes his gloves* Now, where to find that Chaos emerald. 

*They all take a look around the city*

Sonic: Alright...where could we look?

Flash: Hmmm...

*Sonic then notices the white hedgehog in green look at them and then run away*

Sonic: Hey! Who was that?

Michael: Who?

Sonic: That White and Green girl.

Hal: What girl?

*They look in the ally and turn and see the girl running*

Sonic: That girl. Hey! Who are you? Come back!

*The 4 run after her all over the city and market*

*The 4 run after her all over the city and market*

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Sonic: There she is!

*The girl runs forward and they follow behind her*

Flash: Wait up!

*They eventually lose the girl and are stuck in a crossroad*

Sonic: Where did she go?

Michael: Crap. We lost her.

*Flash looks around and sees a straight way out*

Flash: Check over there!

*They all run over to a plaza and look around for a second before then seeing the girl in white and green sitting with back face to the 4, they decide to approach her slowly*

Sonic: Um...hello?...Are you okay? Are you lost?

Michael: If you lost your parents, we can try to help you find them.

*The girl didn't respond and kept looking away from them*

Girl: So...You are Sonic the Hedgehog, Michael the Hedgehog, Flash the Hedgehog and Hal the Hedgehog, correct?

Flash: do you-?

*She turns back at them showing her face and front*

*Nahida the Hedgehog*

*Nahida the Hedgehog*

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Nahida: Greetings. My name is Nahida. And Uh...I am the current ruler of this city...I guess..*chuckles*

Hal: You?

Nahida: *chuckles* Of course, silly. I may be small and the form of a child, but I am really more then a thousand years old. 

Sonic: A thousand?!

Michael: What can I say, lots of plot twists.

Nahida: Come with me. We have a lot to talk about. 

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