Chapter 7: Flash and Burn

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*Sonic was snoozing in the middle of the forest after falling asleep from a Chili dog until he felt something fast just zoop right next to him, waking him up*

Sonic: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! What! 

*Sonic looks around and sees nobody and stands up*

Sonic: What was that...?

*Sonic packs his stuff and starts running again forward*

Sonic: Meh, it was probably nothing. I should probably keep moving. 

*Sonic keeps running until he looks to his left and sees bolts of yellow lightning surging from something or someone*

*Sonic then finally sees someone. The person causing the yellow surging lightning. It was Flash*

Flash: Hey! Need some help?

Sonic: Uhh, hi! Who are you?

Flash: Oh yeah, introductions. I'll tell ya on the next stop. Where ya heading?

Sonic: I'm heading to Central City. You?

Flash: Oh, same. Its my home. Well then, try to keep up! *dashes away*

Sonic: *chuckles* Will do! *Sonic dashes too, catching up with Flash and the two begin running together, playfully competing each other*

*They then arrive at Central City*

*They then arrive at Central City*

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Sonic: Ahh, Central City. I made it, first stop.

Flash: Ey, want a Chili Dog?

Sonic: Aw thanks, Man. Sure could use one right now. *takes the Chili Dog and sits down proceeding to eat it*

Sonic: So, whats your name, buddy?

Flash: I'm Flash. Flash the Hedgehog. And you are?

Sonic: I'm Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog.

*Flash becomes shocked by this*

Flash: Sonic the Hedgehog? The Sonic the Hedgehog?

Sonic: Oh, you've heard of me before?

Flash: Heard of you before? You're Michael's bro!

Sonic: Y-you know my older brother, Michael?

Flash: Of course! Him and I were childhood buddies. He's told me a lot about you. Said you were the best thing that ever happened to him.

Sonic: Really? He said all of that?

Flash: Yeah! He seems like a pretty good brother. Him, Hal and I were childhood friends back in those days.

Sonic: Who's Hal?

Hal: Right here.

*Hal flies above to were Sonic and Flash are sitting at*

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