Chapter 9: The Road to Takamaki

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*Sonic, Michael and Flash were running while Hal was flying to Takamaki *

Sonic: You know, Mike. How come you're running and not flying now? I know you have those rocket boots, so how come you're running?

Michael: I like to run as well. Besides I would probably save up these jet shoes in case for a really serious battle.

Sonic: Ah, fair enough.

*But they then stop as they enter a destroyed city* 

*But they then stop as they enter a destroyed city* 

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Sonic: Uhh...this is a problem...

Flash: What happened here?

Sonic: Who are all these hedgehogs with helmets and swords?

Hal: Theres badnik remains too. Seems to have been a battle of some kind.

Flash: Could it have been Dr Eggman?

Sonic: I mean, it looks like Dr Eggman did this alright. I mean, look theres Caterkiller bodies, Crabmeat claws, its just I've never heard him hit anything this big before.

Michael: Then I'm not sure if that was Eggman anyway. 

*Just then, they hear a rustle*

Sonic: What was that?

Flash: Hello?

*The rustling gets louder until green lightning bursts at the four and the four dodge*

Sonic: Whoa!

???: Think you're welcome here?

*Sage the Hedgehog*

*Sage the Hedgehog*

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Michael: Sage.

Sonic: Who?

Hal: Sage the Hedgehog. A servant to a dark lord. 

Sonic: What dark lord?

Michael: Explain later, fight now. 

*Sage levitates and blasts green lightning at Sonic, hitting Sonic, but Sonic quickly gets back up*

*Flash forms a tornado around Sage, but Sage obliterates the tornado*

Sage: Nice try, Flash.

Flash: Crap.

*Sage blasts Green lightning at Flash, causing Flash to trip and fall*

Flash: Oof!

*Michael blocks Sage's beam and punches Sage on the face, knocking Sage a few feet back*

Hal: I got him!

*Hal creates a construct of a fist and punches Sage*

Sage: Argh!

*Sage eventually charges at Hal, and grabs Hal, plummeting him to a building* 

Hal: Oof!

*Sage then gets hit in the chest by Michael's heat vision*

Sage: Gargh!

Sage: Nrrgh....

*Michael punches Sage in the chin by an uppercut and Sonic spindashes Sage, knocking Sage into a building*

*Michael and Sonic run toward Flash and Hal*

Sonic: You alright, cuz.

Flash: Good as ever, bud. 

Michael: Hal, you good?

Hal: Yeah, I'm g.

*The four then walk over towards Sage who was lying on the rubble*

Sage: *cough*

Sage: Lord Dawn...will rule...all...and...wipe your existence from the face of the earth. 

Michael: Not today.

*Sage tries to get up and hit Michael, but Hal knocks out Sage with a hammer construct*

Hal: You good?

Michael: Yeah.

*Flash notices a glowing object on Sage's hand*

Flash: What's that?

*Sonic takes the glowing item, it was a chaos emerald, but it had two colors on it*

Sonic: Its a chaos emerald...but it doesn't look right...its stained with yellow.

Hal: Let me take a look at that.

Hal: Let me take a look at that

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*Sonic hands Hal the emerald*

Hal: Oh boy, this gem is infected. It's power is being contaminated with Yellow Lantern aura. 

Sonic: Ok...what does that mean?

Hal: It means that someone is absorbing this Chaos Emerald's power. If this Emerald turns into a complete yellow, the emerald's power will resonate to another and the emerald will lose its power and break. 

Sonic: Can you replenish it?

Hal: I can try now, just stand back and let me work my magic.

*Sonic, Michael and Flash walk back a few steps giving some space for Hal. Hal points his ring at the emerald and the ring begins flashing a small green energy beam at the emerald* 

*The energy beam begins to slowly dissolve the yellow aura on the emerald until the emerald turns fully green and the fear aura dissolves. Hal then picks up the emerald*

Hal: Its clean. We're good. *hands the emerald to Sonic*

Sonic: Whoa! It's all green again. How did you do that?

Hal: Its fear power. Its inferior to Willpower therefore allowing me to overpower the yellow energy and dissolve it.

Sonic: *nods in understanding*

Sonic: Wait, but if this dude has gotten his hands on one of these chaos emeralds, then does that mean the other emeralds are infected?

Michael: If that is, then we need to find out where they are and who has them.

Sonic: So....where to, captain?

Michael: Theres one place I know where to go for now.

Sonic: Where?

Michael: Aphetia.

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