Chapter 8: Where's Sonic?!

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Amy: Okay, thats it! I'm going to Sonic's house!

Tails: Amy, just relax for a second.

Amy: How can I relax?! Sonic hasn't been back in hours, he isn't gone this long and he didn't even tell any of us where he was going!

Knuckles: Ah, relax! He'll be back. He's just showing off.

Amy: For more then 16 hours, Knuckles?! I'm going to his house, now!

*Amy smashes down the door and starts running to Sonic's house*

Tails: Amy, wait!

*Amy finally kicks the door open and sees Jules, Bernadette and Uncle Chuck in the living room*

Bernadette: Oh, my. Mrs Rose? What caused you to come kicking the door here?

Amy: Sorry, ma'am, but where the heck is Sonic?

Bernadette: Sonic? He's just having a little vacation for a few days.

Amy: A vacation? For this long?

Bernadette: Yes, why? Did he not tell you?

Amy: No, he just took off from the city and didn't tell any of us where he was going. Wait a do you know he's going on vacation?

Chuck: We just know it, Amy. 

Tails: But how?

Chuck: Well...we-

*Just as Chuck was about to say something, the phone suddenly rings and Amy answers it*

Amy: Sonic! Is that you! If it is, then why aren't you back?! Do you realize how worried sick I am! How long you've been gone-

*Flash just holds the phone as Amy screams on the phone and Sonic, Hal and Michael just stand there watching*

Michael: Sooo, let me guess, thats your simp?

Sonic: Yep.

*Flash then just hangs up the phone*

Flash: Conversation wasn't going anywhere anyways.

Amy: Hello? Hello?!  

Bernadette: How long is this going to keep going on for?

*Meanwhile, in a distant castle*

*A Red Hedgehog walks up to a throne being sat by a being with black smoke and green aura covering it*

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*A Red Hedgehog walks up to a throne being sat by a being with black smoke and green aura covering it*

*Wrath the Hedgehog*

Wrath: *kneels* Lord Dawn

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Wrath: *kneels* Lord Dawn.

???: Ahhhh....Wrath.

Wrath: The last of our armies have filled up. More then 50 battalions are ready. It is done.

???: Very good.

*There is an awkward silence for a few seconds before being broken by Wrath*

Wrath: My lord, how can we let this happen? How can that Michael...*raises his voice to the point where he is yelling* TAKE EVERYTHING WE BUILT AND DESTROY IT ALL?! HOW?!

*Another hedgehog speaks up after him*

*Zero the Hedgehog*

Zero: Don't be too sure its an act of fun

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Zero: Don't be too sure its an act of fun.

*Wrath looks back at the black smoke*

Wrath: What does he mean?

*The black smoke with green lightning and aura then begins to form into some kind of dark being*

???: When is a gift not a gift? 

???: The Hedgehog family's power is rising...and Michael is a protector..trying to shield them all. Yet he doesn't realize...he is a reckless...foolish protector...

*The shadow then forms into a dark animal with chaos aura all over his body*

*Dawn the Unstoppable* 

Zero: What are our orders, my lord?

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Zero: What are our orders, my lord?

Dawn: Since our armies are ready...send word to Dr Ivo join his alliance. But slowly...we don't want the negotiations to be exposed. You have no idea how much of luck it costs for me to bear such a fortune here. Now go, Zero. Send the message.

Zero: Yes, my lord? And the hedgehogs?

Dawn: Kill them all...

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