Chapter 6 - A Tea so Fragrant

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The room filled with utter silence as the last word came out of her mouth

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The room filled with utter silence as the last word came out of her mouth. Her right hand placed near her heart, her eyes staring directly into the eye of the Mage.

The Mage has a surprised look on his face, as if he had never seen that side of her before.

He strokes his beard once more and closes his eye, contemplating before finally opening his eye and looking at his former student.

"... Do I seem like the type of person who would teach a child to use magic to kill?"

The Queen, who was sitting down, walked towards the Mage and placed her hand on his shoulder and had a skeptical expression.

"Indeed, you do."

The Mage's mouth puked out blood as he heard that and stood dead for a silent minute before composing himself, coughing out the remaining blood out.

"W-well, it seems like I'm giving out the wrong idea towards you, Isabella."

He puts both his hands behind his back and looks at Duchess nostalgically.

It is not my intention to lead his life to defeat the future enemy. In fact, I detest the meaning that Magic is used to kill people."

He stretches one of his hands in front of him and a blue flame appears before him.

"They say that creation of fire magic was to burn the enemy, and burn the corpse, and reduce the number of people that inhabit the world. But I believe that, instead, the creation of fire is to bring warmth into the land."

The color of the flame shifts into a melancholy pink, still burning fiercely in his hand.

"This warmth signifies life and new creation. Fire is the first warmth that the skin of a newborn experiences first in their lifetime. It's not meant to burn, but to embrace that warmth before embracing in what you call the warmth of another being, guiding it into what you call trust, care, and love."

The Fire soon floats towards me, and spreads throughout me, before dispersing into thin air, without a single burn in my body.

The Mage puts both his hands behind him once again and closes his eyes.

"You're indeed right, Isabella. To teach a child to use magic is not to kill, but to learn how to embrace that warmth, giving him a reason to protect."

The Duchess's eye gives off a sense of relief upon hearing those words.

"... Teacher..."

The Mage walks towards the Duchess and stands in front of her. He places his hand on her shoulder and smiles brightly.

"That is why the warmth that he must first learn about needs not to be learn from me, but from his own mother."

The Duchess tensed her body after hearing those words.

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