Chapter 12 - The First Encounter

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A subtle impermanence feeling of the spring breeze arises through the garden trees, the leaves shivering, all while the flowers begin to blossom into beautiful beings

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A subtle impermanence feeling of the spring breeze arises through the garden trees, the leaves shivering, all while the flowers begin to blossom into beautiful beings. Through the fountain that has a sculpture of an angel with water flowing through her hand, a familiar young boy sits on the bench near the fountain, holding a series of papers in his hand, all while concentrating deeply on nothing but the task on hand.

The short, wavy white hair. Delicate pale skin, and his left eye being hazel while his right eye being white. The young boy looks away from the paper in his hand and up into the sky while many white birds roam through the bright, blue sky as the clouds continue to pass through and shadow the sun.

"Eight years have passed now ever since the incident..."

The young boy closes his eyes, putting his hands down on the bench while he relaxes under the warm sunlight.

Ever since that day in the bedroom, no major incidents have happened in the mansion. The joyous days remained the same as I continued to receive the love of both my parents... and sister...

He opened his eyes once more, looking at the same blue sky.

At first, I must admit that I wasn't ready to have any new siblings. I can't forget how I lied to them, and I continue to grow afraid that the same mistake would commence all over again. Though it's true that I can finally express profound emotions, I still can't truly control them. I only know how to be happy and smile, be angry and show a scorned face, or be sad and cry. But that's really it...

Can these emotions truly be enough to avoid the same mistake as before?

But once again, those worries prove to be for naught. When Mother carried Seraphina in her arms and showed her to me for the first time. I could only see her bright smile shining in the room. The subtle emotion called happiness grew stronger, into what you call joy. A smile on my face only continued as I enjoyed the happy moments with people, I now call family.

I do not consider this moment a second chance to redeem myself. I could only hope that with these new emotions that I will continue to learn and hope to express these new feelings to them again. Even if that wish seems impossible... I truly wish for a moment like that to appear, even if I don't deserve that chance...


I open my eyes and see the eight-year-old Seraphina running and calling me by the nickname she gave me. Long hair reaching her waist, ruby red eyes with pale white skin. Wearing a short, light-pink dress.

I smiled as I saw her running towards me until she stood in front of me with an excited look.

"Lys, Lys! I have something tell you!"

I tilt my head while trying to guess what is making her so excited. I put the paper that I had in my hand on the bench next to me.

I have come to realize that the personality of Seraphina right now... has deviated from the original version in the novel. As I recall, being neglected by the duke while Lysander continued to draw a line between them... She had no one to depend on. Because of that, she matured at an early age and developed a refined and independent personality.

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