Chapter 10 - Under the Whimsical Light

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What is a dream?

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What is a dream?

People tend to say that a dream is a state of being, showing multitudes of blurred images that contain a mixture of truths and lies, all hidden deep inside the person's heart. They say that these dreams show a hidden message and meaning that varies throughout everyone. A type of symbolism.

Yes... this feeling...

It feels like I'm caught up in a dream.... My eyes closed as the nebula of chilly water surrounds every inch of my body. Breathing in somehow, opening my eyes only to see the familiar red flame in the distance. I reach out my hand once more, and soon the lights blind me, forcing me to close my eyes.

I open them after a couple of seconds right after the lights soon ceased. I look at my hands and see a white, familiar light surrounding me as I float into an empty space of light.

My senses regain, and I look around to see the red flame in front of me once more. I walk towards the flame as nonchalantly as I can. Soon, I see it floating in front of me, not doing or saying anything.

"... Azar, did you perhaps bring me here?"

Azar didn't utter a single sound of spark, only after a few moments of silence did he start to talk.

"I didn't expect you to be able to learn how to sense Mana... I was joking about it, but you exceeded my predictions. If it's you..."

He stayed silent before finishing his sentence.

"If it's you.... Then you may have the potential to reach the third ring after this session. The difference between the second and third ring has an enormous effect. While the second allows you to manifest the elements using your Mana, the third ring allows you to manipulate the elements into what you call magic. With this power, you'll surely be able accomplish your goal..."

Azar began to move forward without stopping, I began to follow him as he was getting far away from me, traveling throughout the endless space with no end. 

"I know you still have many questions to ask regarding your situation. I understand, but we have no time now. I didn't tell you this earlier since you're still young, but as you continue to get stronger, some of my restrictions are permanently removed, allowing me to be of more use to you."

"... Then does that mean I can finally ask about my siblings?"

Azar stayed silent once again as it continued to move forward.

"... You must get stronger if you wish to ask such questions..."

Moments of silence filled the room as we continued to move forward, as I was getting tired from the constant walking, Azar suddenly stopped.

"Because you were able to attain the first and second ring around your heart, I am able to show you something that I couldn't previously show before."

The floor in front of Azar began to shatter, as a dark looming shadow loomed through the cracked space before shattering completely, exposing a dark abyssal hole.

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