Chapter 9 - Hope

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Lying in the bed, I feel the light emanating from the window into my eyelids, waking up from my slumber and feeling pain in my eyes

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Lying in the bed, I feel the light emanating from the window into my eyelids, waking up from my slumber and feeling pain in my eyes. My eyes were feeling red and puffy from the constant crying from yesterday's event. Despite the pain, I feel the arms of someone's embraced, letting me attain my full senses back.

This warmth... Is familiar.

I look up and see a familiar long, white silky hair can only remind me of one person: My mother. She was laying down and still sleeping with a subtle smile on her face, still covered up by the sheet while hugging me gently. I enjoyed this moment of relaxation before someone knocked on the door and entered.

Mia came walking from the door towards the bed, and in which two other maids accompanied her from behind while trolling down a selection of clothes and other accessories.

She saw me and smiled warmly at me.

"Good morning, Young Master. Hope you had a pleasant sleep."

Still feeling dazed, I just nodded at her words. My mother began to wake up shortly after Mia and the maids entered the room and began to rub one of her eyes while yawning.

Mia and the other maids bowed down when they saw her waking up.

"Good morning, Your Grace. The maids will begin to dress Your Grance and the Young Master while I tell you today's schedule."

My mother got up from the bed and went to the other side of the bed from where the maids were, she soon picked me up from the bed and smiled at me before facing Mia.

"I see. Hopefully nothing troublesome happens today."

Still carrying me, my mother moves to the open area of the room where a full body mirror stands alongside a golden dressing screen with a sofa further near the wall and window where the cabinet lies.

She gently passes me to Mia as the other maids soon began to changer from her undergarments and robe to a sophisticate and lean looking Victorian rococo dress with the bodice being light sky-blue with the skirt being white.

They brushed her hair and let her long white, wavy hair be free without being tied up, and then began to put up some simple accessories like earrings and necklace.

Mia began to dress me up in the same usual attire of a white long-sleeve button down underneath the blue-grey vest with black shorts reaching my knee with white socks over my ankle and black polished formal shoes.

After being changed, Mia gently sat me down on the couch and walked towards where the accessories that were brought were.

She put a blue tie ribbon on my collar and surprisingly put a soft textured blue bucket hat on my head.

She continued to stare at me with awe while other maids always joined in the spectacle after finishing their dressings for my mother.

"How adorable you look, Young Master!"

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