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"Locked?" Sanji wondered, realizing that someone was in the bathroom as he twisted the doorknob.

The man stood behind the door for a second, preparing himself to walk away, when suddenly, he heard the sound of heavy breathing coming from the other side of the door.

"That voice..."

He checked his surroundings to make sure that no one was nearby for him to press his ear against the door.

The sound of a familiar sounding voice echoed in seconds, sounding dense and almost intimidating.

"Don't mess with it! I'm going to call him back now, hang in there. You... Why are you so pale?"

"I'm scared.. I'm scared! What if it doesn't stop?!"

"We'll take care of it. If not, then we'll just call Chopper."

"No way! I'm not letting him see, it'll be too embarrassing! It's already embarrassing enough for me as is..."

"Luffy, what do you prefer: Your pride, or your life? This is serious."

There was then an eerie silence that lingered in between Zoro and Luffy as Sanji continued to listen to their conversation, growing nervous.

"What happened? Why are they so quiet now?"

The Cook was about to lean closer towards the door when he felt someone tap against his back.

"Oh, sorry, Sanji-Kun!"


He sighed out in relief after the Navigator gave him a scare with just the touch of her hand.

"Is someone in the bathroom?" The woman asked.

"Yeah, there is. But don't worry, I'll let you know when it's unoccupied."

The Cook's response was loud enough to be heard by Luffy and Zoro who were still in the bathroom.

Hearing that someone was outside made Luffy tense up even more as he tried his best to be quiet.

~A few minutes ago~

"It won't come out..."

Luffy quietly spoke as Zoro turned over to face him.

"Did you take the plug out?"

The Swordsman questioned, to which Luffy nodded in return.

"Then give it some time. No one's rushing you."

But after a few seconds had gone by, the Captain was still experiencing difficulties with urinating and could feel his stomach growing bigger, the longer that he stood on his feet.

"Still nothing?"

The boy shook his head with a gloomy expression, becoming desperate.

Seeing the tension build-up in his eyes, Zoro reached into his pocket and pulled out his snail transponder.

"Want me to call Torao? He'll know how to help you out."

Seeing as he didn't have another option, Luffy nodded at Zoro and had the Swordsman call Law.

In a matter of seconds, he received an answer.

???: “Hello?”

Zoro: “Oh, hey. Is your Captain around, by any chance?”

The Swordsman asked after hearing Bepo's voice on the other end of the call.

Bepo: “He is, let me get him for you. Just a second.”

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