Hearts Unfolding

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Uske baad I and Rosh remained in contact or wahan jaate hi I got in contact with 2 people from Delhi ek vo Rahul whom I didn't wanted to be in contact with but it was strange we had known each other for 2 years back then he never talked to me when in Delhi and suddenly there he was trying to be so close to me that he visited even Bua's  place to meet me....And the other one was Aakash....

He saw her expressions changing at a sudden taking his name....She had that firm proud feeling in her tone, and in her eyes he could not decipher for sure if it's liking love or something else, but there was admiration.....And there was too a feeling which he has experienced for a long time but was not sure it to be guilt....

Recap ends....


हर हर महादेव ♥️🙏

Arjun was just trying to understand the change he saw in her at that moment....Tears rolled down her eyes, which didn't went unnoticed by his eyes which had questions in them.....The thunder from the sky brought them both to the minds playing out its foul on both of them....

He just held her wrist and they both ran to the SUV parked far away, reaching safely in it before getting drenched....He gave her water and put his seatbelt on....He started to drive though his mind still struck to the name Aakash and her tears....Sakshi's emotions regarding Roshni were too still afresh in his mind....He started recalling her biryani exactly like how Roshni made....Their common believe in God....Their common connection to Sevasadan Orphanage.... Roshni's entry in visitors register of Nursing Home..... Roshni's link with NGO....Most important Sakshi's pain for Roshni which he has sensed earlier too but today it was intense....The weather outside was looking  pleasent but seemed it would change its path and bring a Strom out very soon....

Sakshi opened the window as if the cold wind blowing touching her face would fade away the restlessness she feels when she talks about him....The guilt which takes over her knowing she is responsible for him being not there....The fear she gets when she remembers him dying infront of her eyes....

Apart from so many things going in his mind still his concern at the moment lingers across what's bothering Sakshi.... Though realization is still far away but He has started acknowledging her presence in his life. He has reduced his taunts to mere playful comments. Reduced his glares to unintended stares....Has even started laughing at her lame jokes.....

From sharing nothing but tiffs to sharing pains they have come a long way ahead to justify their care and concern for each other atleast to their hearts....But again the great ACP can speak his mind out, but speaking out his heart was never his fortey..... Though Arjun tried to give it a try....

"Sakshi" though not sure but he called her looking at her....

Sakshi knew he wanted to ask about Aakash, but he will not be able to voice it out....He has a habit of being in void with words But she as usual speaks his mind out....

"Arjun Aakash.... He was our classmate in school....Rosh she used to always say me he loves me....But we never used to be serious about it, the talks about him was just for fun and tease nothing more than that, What Rosh called love I called it a mere infatuation.... "    She said smiling remembering the reasing session they used to have regarding him.... For him just wandering around me in the school campus, Sitting on the opposite of the canteen....Offering lifts....

Arjun after seeing her smile understood the soft corner the boy carried in Sakshi's heart.... Though he was not jealous....But a tinch of insecurity,but why and from whom....The person who he didn't even recognize and presently was not even sure of his existence too...The stance broke with Sakshi's voice....

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