season 1 episode 7

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In the pub;

“What’s that?” Koxes asked.
“Nothing .” Clip squeaked. She said wrinkling it up and smashing it in their leftover food.
“Are you finished.” The pub owner asked.
“Yes.” Clip said handing her the plate with the note.
Koxes eyed her suspiciously. “I found a nice cheap place to stay tonight lets go check it out.”
“Okay.” Clip siad.

In a small inn;

“What's going on?” Koxes said.
“What?” Clip said.
“You're hiding something.” Clip gave him a blank look. Koxes exhaled loudly. “Oh nevermind then. Keep it to yourself.” He went to the bathing room Konk followed him.
“Do you think you should be keeping things from him.” Bink said. “He is your companion.”
“Who said I'm keeping anything from him.” Clip snapped.
“You might be able to hide things from everyone else but not us darling.” Bink said.
“Yeah we now everything.” Mico said waving her fingers trying to be omonouse.
“Guys stop it. I need to figure this out.” Clip siad.
“That guy almost killed you Clip. He broke your arm.” Bink siad.
“If he's willing to do that to a little girl...” Mico implied.
“He didn’t kill me. And maybe he was right. I needed time to think.”
Mico and Bink looked at her disapprovingly but keep silent.
Koxes walked in the door, “What's up with you guys?” He said looking at their disgruntled faces.
Konk walked in the room looking clean and shiny. He tried to nonshalontly flexed his pecks at Mico.
“Konk you’re the polished sword of my dreams.” Mico said and flung herself at him, knocking him to the floor. She kissed his lips and his ears steamed.
“When we can afford it I think we’re going to have to get them their own room.” Koxes said.
“Agreed.” Clip and Bink siad together.
Koxes pulled something out of his bag and handed it to Clip. “Here I made this for you when I was waiting for you at the spring.”
Clip looked down at the scarf koxes handed her. It matched the hat and gloves he made her. “Thanks.” She said, guilt stinging her stomach.
“It isn't a big deal. It was easy to make.” he said. “We should go to bed. We have a big jerney tomorrow.” Koxes said feeling awkward. Clip nodded in agreement.

Clip waited for Koxes to fall asleep. As soon as he was out she got out of bed and went to the door careful not to make noise. She stepped out into the street.

She didn’t want koxes trying to stop her or going to Poko before she even had a chance to Talk to Juko. She wanted to know why he wanted her to go with him and get information if she decided not to. She wrapped the scarf Koxes made her around her neck and winced internally. ‘No’ she thought. ‘I won't feel bad. It needs to do this.’ Bawling up her fists and pinned them to her side she strode off.

Clip walked up a trail over a small hill until she reached the stable and went inside. The only light came from the moon. She looked around and saw no one. “Maybe I’m too late.” clip said.

“You did show up later than expected.” Juko said behind her.
Clip twirled around. “Juko!” She said and took a couple of steps back. “I didn’t see you there.”
“No you didn’t.” He said smiling. He took a step closer. “How have you been Clip? I hope your arm is healing quickly, but not too quickly.”
Clip looked down at her splinted arm. “I think you owe me an apology.”
“Oh I am sorry I broke it but I’m not sorry it’s broke. “ Juko said. He took a step closer grabbing the hem of her scarfe. “Pretty scarf. Did your little friend give it to you?” Clip turned red. “That was nice of him.” Juko said dropping his hand away from the scarf on her neck.
Clip glared at him. “Quit mocking me and tell me why you wanted to meet in secret.”
“Secret? I do believe the secret part was your idea. Wasn’t it?” He said.
Clip looked at him confused. “I didn’t think you wanted me to tell anyone.” She said.
“You’re right I didn’t but I didn’t tell you not to either. That was all you. You must have know they wouldn't understand. And of course they wouldn’t. They're not outsiders like you and me. We’re the only ones born adventurers, not meant to adventure.”
“Then what were we meant to do.” Clip said suspiciously.
“Clip, dear, don’t look at me with such, distrust. I’m here to help you, to help us” Juko said.
“Then help me by answering my question or I’m leaving.” Clip said turning to go. Juko stepped in her way blocking the exit.
“I want you to do as your sibling says. You’ve already strengthened yourself by going to the diamond spring now you need to go to the dragon of tempered scale.”
“Why do you want me to become stronger if I wasn’t meant to be an adventurer?” Clip said
“Because you can't be weak and fight for your freedom. It's necessary.”
“What is it that you think I need freeing from.” Clip said.
“Do you not want to go back to the discs bottom as a normal performer? You have to be free to do that.”
“I need chips to do that, not strength.” Clip said
“Clip you are so young and I can see how you think your goal is so simple but its not. Your father and his allies have power and if necessary can demand you finish your traditional obligations down here on the main lands. Your father is a proud man and wouldn’t let any of his children live in such a disgraceful place for an adventure.”
“My father wouldn’t go as far as publicly announce me as his child or my origin.” Clip said heatedly.
“If you push him far enough you might be surprised.” Juko said. “If you push him far enough, he might make the main lands your permanent home.”
“Then are you suggesting I get stronger so I can fight my family?” Clip said unconvinced.
“Family!” Juko said hissing out the words vishously, “You can hardly call them your family. Maybe your older female sibling treats you nicer than the others but you are not family to them. Your existence tore their family apart.” Clips eyes widened from shock.
Juko visibly pulled himself together. “Clip in order to free yourself you need to be physically unchallengeable. You have two living weapons. That's something no one else has. You have the equipment to be, potentially, the strongest adventurer ever recorded. How do you think they’ll feel once a strong adventure with two living weapons leaves that life behind for their passion? Not only will you be free but you’ll have revenge for all the bad things they let happen to you. All the bad things your father put you through.”
“I still don’t really get what this has to do with you?” Clip siad.
“I also want to go back home to the discs.” Juko said.
“Why can’t you just go home? You’re plenty old enough. Your like my dads age.” Clip siad.
“Because I’ve been banned from the discs.” Juko said
“Why?” Clip asked.
“For pretty much the same reason you want to go back. I refused my hereditary obligation to pursue my dream.” Juko said.
Clip looked at him sympathetically. “I don’t want to hurt my family or Koxes.”
Juko pretended to think things through and said. “I don’t think you’ll have to.”
“And I still want to think it over.” Clip siad.
“Of course.” He said.
“So I think this meeting is adjourned for now.” Clip said.
“Yes I will call on you after you go to the dragon of tempered scales.” Juko said.
“Okay.” Clip siad guilt welling up inside her. She was considering abandoning poko and Koxes and she even felt a little bad about leaving her dad and the twins. She went to walk past Juko and he grabbed her shoulder. She eyed him sternly.“It just occurred to me the next time we meet we’ll be able to sing together again. Doesn’t that sound enjoyable.” Juko said, releasing her and smiling.
Clip smiled back, “Yes it does.”

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