Se2 episode 4

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Scene: in Clip's prison room.

Clip lifted a chair over her head. She smashed it down over the door handle. The chair shattered bending the handle. She smashed another chair, bending the handle more. Then another chair this time the handle clinked and bounced across the floor. "Finally." She said and kicked the pieces of chair out of her way. The door swung open. She paused holding her breath and listened. Clip stepped out of her prison.
She rushed down the stone hall. Old painted figures were still faintly visible on the walls. She pressed her head against the next door and listened then opened it. It was dark dusty and empty. She continued down the hall opening door after door. All of them empty and dusty. A couple of them had old dirty beds and dining tables. No Mico. No Bink. She thought. They have to be here somewhere.
She continued down halls making random rights and lefts.How does Juko not get lost in here. Some of the walls had glowing glyphs like the ones she saw in diamond spring dungeon. Clip reached another fork in the hall. A soft glow of faint light rested on the floor in the hall to the right. She creeps closer to it. Her hand hovered over each door handle she walked by. If someone comes I'll just slip in one of these rooms and hope they don't see me. She thought. She hesitated with her hand on the door handle of the last dark door. Her hand slipped shakily down to her side and she creeped the rest of the way to the door with the light coming from under it.

Scene: Koxes, Poko, and the twins walk grumpily back to their campground.

They walked down a narrow path with long skinny mushroom trees crowding the side of the trail. Cold drops of water plopped down on them even though it wasn't raining.
"How can two dirty men be so hard to find." Juva said.
"If we could sniff them out. We would have found them by now." Dragva said.
"It's hard to smell anything here. It always smells pungy and mildewy." Poko said.
"Or maybe you smell so bad we can't smell anything else." Juva said and the twins laughed together.
"Funny." Poko said. "I guess I'll only share dinner with Koxes tonight." She said, grabbing Koxes and pulling him closer. "Since we're the ones who caught dinner."
"I could eat." Koxes said.
"You'd betray us." Juva asked. "I thought we were friends."
"We are. But Poko is also my friend and she has the food." He said pulling out of Poko's arm hold.
"I apologise for suggesting this smelly smell came from you." Juva said.
Koxes had walked ahead losing interest in their sibling rivalry.
"So please feed us." Dragva continued.
"I will reluctantly accept your apology." Poko said. 

    Scene:mushroom camp.

They reached the wide mushroom they were camping under. Once undercover they began to remove their damp cloths to wring them out. Koxes thick angry scare stood out against his pale skin. The scar on the front was bigger than the one on his back. He grabbed his pack from Konk and pulled out his knitting needles and yarn. He sat down and went to work at knitting.
"That's strang yarn." Poko siad.
Koxes pulled the yarn back to examine it. "Is made from keared mushroom hust. It's incredible soft." he said looping more yarn on his needle.
"What are you knitting?" She asked.
"A blanket." he huffed. "It's going to get colder even in the warmer biomes."
Tin and Pop bounced away in the distance. 'Where are they going.' Konk signed to Juva and Dragva.
"I think the beer they're making may be ready." said Juva.
"Or they're too impatient to wait." said Dragva.
"If they even followed the recipe to begin with." Juva said. Konk followed after Tin and Pop.
"Do you want to join them?" Dragva asked Hal.
"I'd rather not." Hal said and they all eyed the purple mist that frothed out of the pot as Tin pulled the lid off clapping her hands and Pop held out cups bouncing.
Konk pointed to himself and Pop nodded getting another cup.
"You have one brave sword." Dragva said to Koxes.
"Yes brave. If that's what you would call it." Koxes said as he expertly knitted another line on the blanket he was making.
"They're really going to drink it." Juva said.
They all watched as the three weapons take a drink of the purple goo. Their faces turned gray and all three of them projectiled.
"I didn't see that coming." Hal said sarcastically.
Konk was signing to the twin weapons as he gagged. 'Bad taste bad. What did you put in this stuff.'
"They deserve it. This happens every time they experiment with alcohol. I can't believe Konk is still willing to try anything they brew." Poko siad.
"He's a good friend to them." Juva said.
"I kind of wanted to relax and think." Koxes said. They looked at him with oblivious expressions. (gagging sounds echoed in the background)"Alone." Koxes said.
"Oh." Juva and Dragva said together. They looked a little hurt but tried to hide it.
"Let's go check on those monster brain weapons." Poko said eyeing Koxes as she walked away.

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