Season 2 episode 6

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Scene: campground dusk. All eight of them, weapons and wielders sat around the fire.

"He- let you go?" Poko said.
"I'm still here. No stabbing to death this time." Koxes said.
"Why would he do that?" Poko said.
"Did you want him to end me?" Koxes said.
"No. The last time you fought him he stabbed you. For dead. I can't believe you went after him by yourself." Poko said.
"Yes Koxes the hero. Always trying to die by the hands of evil villains." Dragva said. Juva laughed and regretting it grabbing his sore throat.
"I can't believe you would let him go alone." Poko said to Dragva. "Don't you have any adventuring pride?"
"If I didn't run you and Juva would have been killed." Dragva said wrapping his arm around Juva's shoulders. "Plus this guy is my number one. I can't let him die."
"You're my number one too." Juva said wrapping Dragva in a hug. "No worries twinni I would sacrifice Poko for you too."
"Thanks." Poko said.
"Technically I wasn't sacrificing Poko. I was sacrificing Koxes." Dragva said.
"Samesies." Juva said.
"There love for eachother can be a little odd, can't it?" Koxes said.
"Tell me about it." Poko said.
"I think there cute."Tin and Pop said together.
'Me too.' Konk signed.
"Adorable." Hal said sarcastically.
"Hey guys quit messing around. I have something to show you." Koxes said.
"What is it?" Poko asked.
Juva and Dragva quit wrestle hugging and joined them."I think I know how Juko has been able to vanish with his smoke bombs." Koxes said.
Poko looked confused.
"How?" Juva and Dragva said together.
"Well I've ruled out sorcery." Koxes said.
"Just Tell us." Poko siad.
"When we were fighting Juko I managed to slice off his side bag. And it had a map in it to underground tunnels and chambers." Koxes pulled out the map. "At first I thought it was a ruinen dungeon map but look. This is where Juko disappeared that night at the pollen festival and this is where he disappeared when he took Clip. There both entrance to the underground chambers. Look there all over the place and a lot of them have connecting tunnels. This is only a map of the eastern mainlands but I wonder if there's chambers like these all over?" Koxes said.
"So how do we get in there and which one should we try first?" Poko said.
"Let's go in that one It's shaped like a cup." Tin said,
"And you know what we put in cups." Pop said
"Beer." Tin and Pop siad together.
'Mico likes beer.' Konk singed.
"Is now the time for your exintrics?" Hal asked.
"I think we should try this big one first." Koxes said. "If he's having Clip train this looks like a practical place to do it."
"Okay how do we get in?" Juva asked.
"I think we go back to the place Juko vanished at the festival and investigate the area. There has to be a way in." Koxes said.

Scene: Clip in her new room

"Give me some food! You can't gutting starve me this long! I'll die!" Clip yelled from her room. "Come on how many days are you going to leave me in here!" She shouted shaking her shackles.
"It's only been two days dear." Juko said from the other side of the door.
"Well I still hate you as much as I did two days ago." Clip said.
"How unfortunate but as I expected of you." he said and opened the door.
Clip lunged at him. Her chains restrained her. He stood inches away from her.
"You should be a little less animalistic. Have some self respect Clip dear." Juko said.
Clip growled in frustration. "I don't need edicate advice from an sandworm like you."
"I see you're going to continue to be unreasonable." Juko said. "I must resort to more extreme measures of punishment if you continue to be disobedient."
"I don't care what you do to me." She spat.
"I know dear. So I won't be doing the things to you." Juko said. He grabbed a crank by the door and began cranking it. Clips chains jerked her further back with each crank. He opened the door and drug in a bound and wounded woman. Tesh followed with a serrated spear.
"Who is she?" Clip said.
"Discipline." Juko said. He pulled the gag out of the womans mouth.
"GINKA RETURN!" The woman shouted.
The serrated spear transformed into a woman. " Roaby." The spear said to its wielder.
"What are you going to do to her?" Clip siad.
"He killed them all. All of my friends." She said. "And his weapon, that thing, ate their weapons. Please help me."
Clip lifted her chains. "I'm sorry." she said.
"You're already doomed dear." Juko said to the woman and booped her nose. "You're punishment."
Her spear struggled in Tesh's iron grip. "Roaby!" The spear shouted.
"Please don't hurt her." Clip said.
"It's a little late for that Clip." Juko said.
"But you said she was punishment. You can't hurt her if I listen to you." Clip siad.
"She is punishment." Juko said. "You tried to escape and ruined my dungeon cell. This is an act you already committed. Your punishments will only get worse the more you defy me."
"Tesh consume." Juko said.
Clip looked away sinking to the ground in a huddle. "NO, JUKO NO!" Clip shouts were drowned out by metallic scrams. "STOP IT!"
"GINKA!" The woman shouted and her shouts cut off too.
Clip squeezed her eyes shut burying her face in the stone wall trying not to look. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She repeated.
"I will be here tomorrow for your training. I do hope you will be an obedient girl." Juko said.
The door clanked shut. Clip didn't know how long she sat there. This will end when he finally kills me. She thought. No that's not ture. If my death makes him stronger I will still be a reason behind whoever suffers by him. She finally looking up. There was two puddles of blood. One red and one metallic silver. Clip watched as they mixed in the middle. I have to stop him.

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