Season 3 episode 2

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Scene: Tokip's remembrance ceremony

Navee opened the doors and walked out into the yard next to her weapon. Their friends and family stood on either side of the walkway. Poko walked behind her mom next to Hal followed by the twins who were flanked by Tin and Pop.
Once Tokip's' family passed the group then followed behind. They walked in silence until they reached the tall pyre. Tokip's body was laying on top. Navee layed his massive broadsword on the ground in front of the pyre and looked up at Tokip's body. "I will always remember you husband. All of the good, all of the bad, and all of the love we had. What you brought me that I will cherish the most is our children." She placed a flower down next to his sword and stepped to the side to stand beside his sword. Tears spilled down her face.
They all waited for Poko to go next but she shook her head and motioned for Dragva to go. Poko stood on the other side of the sword.
Dragva stepped up. Taking a deep shaky breath he said "I will always remember you Dad. All of the good, all of the bad, and all of the love we had. What you brought me that I will cherish the most is the skills you've passed down to me and the guidance you taught me to be the best adventure I can be." he placed his flower down and stood next to his mother.
Juva stepped up. "I will always remember you Dad. All of the good, all of the bad, and all of the love we had. What you brought me that I will cherish the most is the time we had." he placed his flower down and stood next to Dragva.

More people walked up and placed a flower down next to his sword. Some would tell a story before moving along. They all started the same. "I will always remember you, friend. All of the good, all of the bad, and all of the love we had."
Soon a pile of flowers stood surrounded and covered Tokip's sword.

When all had placed their flower, Navee picked up the torch. "Are you sure you don't want to say your part?" she asked Poko.
Poko nodded. "Go ahead and light it." Nave shoved the torch in the straw at the bottom. Fire flicked and spread.

Everyone walked back to the house and began to feast on the food and drink there. The sky darkened and where the pyre was was now a big smoldering pile of ash that glowed in the distance.
When everyone was drinking, laughing and crying Poko sat watching. No tears leaked from her eyes. She stood up and banged on the table. The group quieted down and looked at her.
"I want to say my part now." She said, They cheered for her encouraging to go on. She raised her cup" I will always remember you Dad, all the good, all the bad, and all the love we had. What you brought me in life that I will cherish most is my youngest sibling Clip. She may have been brought up by a different mother but she is more you than any of us. I know dad would have wanted her to be here."
The room went silent. Smiles slipped from peoples faces.
Navee stood up shocked. "Poko." She hissed.
Poko went on. "Clip couldn't make it here today because my mother wanted to finally deal with her problem. By having Clip arrested for being here illegally. She's a little embarrassed that my father went and had another child behind her back. Without my dad to say he fathered her she has no rightful proof of her lineage. And being most like our dad Clip ran away from the guard not wanting to get arrested." Poko smiled at them all and downed her drink then sat back down.
Dragva and Juve still held food halfway to their mouths gaping at Poko.

"Navee is this true?" someone shouted from the group.
"Does Tokip have another daughter?" another shouted.
"Tokip would never do that to his wife."
"Even the strongest of us are weak at times."
"Navee, can you give us an explanation?"

Navee wouldn't even look at the crowd; she just stared at her daughter. "Why? Of all the days you could have done this, why today?"
Poko refilled her cup. "I think Clip could say the same thing to you." Poko watched as her angered mother stood up and walked into the manner shutting everyone out.

"Is it true?" Lord Soto said.
"Yes but I have no way to prove it." Poko said.
"Can her mother testify for her." he asked.
Poko shook her head. "Her mother is dead."
"Who was she? Even less admirable adventures have long standing lenages. Maybe one of-" He began.
"Her mother was an entertainer woman who lived in the disk bottom slums." Poko said.
"How can you be sure that Tokip is her father then?" He said.
"The color of her mask is exactly the same as fathers. A soft tangerine orange." Poko said.
"I see," said lord Soto.
"I need to speak with the king about Clip." Poko said.
"Why? If you have nobody to vouch for her." Lord Soto said.
"Do you know a man by the name Juko?" Poko asked.

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