Season 2 episode 5

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Scene: Mico and Bink's cell

"Mi-!" Clip tried to yell but Tesh's hand clamped down over her mouth. He turned her to face him pulling her firmly from her weapons grip.
"I wouldn't call your weapons. Juko knows you're out and ask me to escort you to your room. He's annoyed that you would smash all the furniture." Tesh said in his eerily monotone voice. "I'll let you go. If you call them I will devour your sword." Tesh released her. "You have no patents. You only had to defeat a monster to spend time with one of them."
"I have no patents." Clip snapped back. "You couldn't kill me fast enough. Too bad I'm a weakling. How are you able to restrain me? You're a weapon. You shouldn't be able to do that."
"What do you mean kill?" Bink said.
"Yes." Mico said. "What do you mean?"
"Tesh. What does she mean?" Bink said.
"Silence." Tesh said with a moderate amount of emotion. "If either of you speak again I will call my wielder and he will likely harm her out of annoyance." Mico and Bink both went quiet. "Juko told me to bring you straight to your room but I think I can spar time for a story. You clearly overheard us talking earlier. I don't see why I need to keep things from you." Tesh smiled at Bink's angry face. The smile didn't move past his mouth. He continued. "Did Juko ever tell you about how he found out about you?"
"No." Clip said.

Scene: Juko's history; in a bar; Juko looks to be in his 30's

"There's a rumor some kid was chosen by two living weapons at the last ceremony. And people are saying its an entertainers kid." One of Juko's informants said. Tesh stiffened next to Juko. "What's wrong with him." The man said with a mouth full of food.
"Don't mind him." Juko siad. "Tell me more about this kid."
"There isn't much to it. Just a performers kid, Who was part of the entertainment group at the weponsd festival. The kid was performing with the rest of the group and two disking weapons jumped up and bowed to the kid. Really it's just a exaggerated rumer. I hard another version where the kid is the child of famous adventurers. That their offspring was born so strong two weapons choose to be wielded. But there are no of age children to any of the known famous adventurers so both rumors are probably just stories. Unless Kota and Viox had a child that's younger than I was told. As for the entertainer's kid story, I thought that was the better version, so I like to tell that one."

"Yes, quite the stories." Juko said. Perhaps dual wielders aren't a myth after all. Does the answer, the key, exist. He thought.

In vanishing pass. Juko looks to be in his late 30's early 40's. Close to how he currently looks

"That couple said they weren't even at the disks during the weapons festival. They denied having a child at all." Juko looked down at the two motionless bodies. The male body looked like an older version of Koxes. "It wasn't for nothing. We are strengthened everytime we defeat an adventurer. A rumor was all it was." Juko said disappointed.
Tesh's blank face came alive."No it wasn't just a rumor. I'm certain. We have to check up on the other story. We have to go to the disks and find the entertainer group." Tesh said.
"You don't really think the kid of a performer would get one weapon let alone two. It's not worth going to the disks. There are people there that still know who I am." Juko said.
"If its true its worth the risk. The key could be there." Tesh said.
"We'll risk it. I just hope you're right." Juko said. Tesh nodded going blank again.

Tesh speaking to Clip outside the history reveal. "The couple we killed happened to be your friends parent. Ironic that your stories would link before your first encounter."

scene:Under the disk bottom docks.

Juko was in a entertainment inn. The inn was crowded all eyes on the platform in the center of the room. The dancer was beautiful with long flowing white and blue hair. She moved to the melody. Her body twerled, flicked and glided to the music perfectly. Her flowy garments floated behinder her making her dance ghostly enchanting.
The song stopped. She blew kisses at the crowd and sat in a chair in the center of the room. She sat tall and proud. The musicians started on a new song. The crowd tossed chips on the floor. She would not bend to pick them up. Children entertainers danced across the platform plucking all the chips strategically from the stage. Juko waited until he caught her gase. He held up a large bag of chips. The dancer nodded and looked away back to adoring crowd.
A large hand grabbed Juko's shoulder. "Nokona will meet you in one of our rooms. Follow me." He said in a deep voice. "Of course I will take the chips first."
"Of course." Juko said politely and handed him the large purse of chips.
The man escorted juko to a large dark room only lit by candles. The bed was circle shaped on the floor with lacy curtains draping all around it. Two small couches and a chair were on the other end of the room.
"Good evening." The man said shutting the door. Juko sat in the chair.
Nokona walked in. She had changed into adventure style clothes. "Do you like them?" She asked, twirling around.
"They look nice on you." Juko said.
Nokona sat on the couch across from him. "You must forgive me for my giddyness. I have a thing for adventures. It's not often one pops in to see me." She said.
She looks too young to have a daughter old enough to go to a weapons ceremony. Juko thought. "There is nothing to forgive." He said.
"You paid a large amount of chips for my time. What is it you want to do?" Nokona said.
Juko smiled and stood and walked to the window sliding it open and stepping out. Nokona grind "Silly adventure. What are we doing? Going on an adventure." She said.
Juko held his hand out to her through the window. "Come let's explore the disk bottom together." he said. She grabbed his hand and let him lead her off in the night.

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