Season 2 episode 10

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Scene: night. Flashback of Clip singing a song with her mother when she was little

Nocana sat with a little girl their feet hanging over the balcony. They looked at the stars and the glowing mushrooms down on the mainlands. Clip's face was maskless. They were huddled in blankets.
"Are we sleeping here tonight mommy?" Clip asked.
"Yes Clip. Isn't it beautiful. Stars above and below. The disks are in the perfect position for the perfect night here. Don't you think?"
"Its pretty mommy but I'm cold." Clip said.
"Here." Nocona lifted her blanket. "get under my blanket." Clip snuggled under her mother's blanket. "Do you want me to sing you a special song for this special night?"
"Yes yes." Clip said.
"Okay close your eyes and I'll sing it to you." Nocona said. Clip leaned her head on her mother and she began to sing. Tears in her eyes.

You'll always be safe as long as your with me.
I will look after my little singing bee

Love- love is what matters
And you-
you hold all of my love right in your hands

I will show you how much you mater
More- so much more than the sun
More- so much more than the sea
More than than me---

And we----
we- have all the love in the world
because we--- we are together.

Look at the star light, above and below.
It's so lovely because we're together.
Mmm mmm mmm

"Why are you crying mommy?" Clip said.
"Because I just love you so much." Nocona said. "And you were supposed to close your eyes." She booped Clip on the nose. "Get some rest hunny."
"Okay mommy." Clip giggled and her mom kissed her on the cheek.

Scene: The disks Tokip arriving home from a trip.

A man walks up to Tokip with a sack. "Hello Tokip." He said handing Tokip a couple letters. "How are those kids of yours doing on the mainlands? I thought something might have happened." The letter carrier said.
Tokip looked at him puzzled. "Why would you think that?" He asked.
"The high class urgent letter I had to deliver in the middle of the night. It was from all three of your kids. They must have spent months worth of chips to get that stamp." The man said.
"Oh yes the letter. You gave it to my wife, right?" Tokip said.
"Yes she didn't want to wake you unless it was important." The man said. "That was okay. Right?"
"Yes that was fine. If you'll excuse me." Tokip told the man.
"No problem. Got to go too. These letters won't deliver themselves." The man said before walking back down the road.

Scene: Tokip's training grounds.

Tokip walked around to the training grounds where his wife was slicing thought logs with her longsword. He pulled out his broadsword and blocked her sword before it hit another log.
"Tokip. Your back." Navee said.
"You're getting rusty Navee. A few years ago you would have countered me and hit your target." Tokip said.
"Perhaps I didn't want to counter you." Navee said.
Tokip lowered his sword and it transformed into human form. "Is there something you want to tell me?"
"No dear, why?" she said.
"Navee why didn't you tell me I got a urgent letter from the kids?"
Her eyes hardened. "That nosy letter carrier." She said.
"Where is the letter? Are the kids okay?" Tokip asked.
"My kids will be fine." Navee said.
"Navee give me the letter." Tokip said. "By law, I can get you and that carrier in trouble for this. I was meeting with the kings and lords when it was delivered. I don't even need proof."
Navee pulled the letter out of her pocket and handed it to him. "No need to threaten me Tokip." She said.
He read it quickly his eyes widening. "If this is true- Navee this could be serious." he said.
"I wrote them back for you. They should be avoiding this Juko guy." Navee said.
"What about Clip? What did you write them?" Tokip said
"Clip is not my concern. I told them to fight their own battles. It's part of becoming a adventure. It's not anyone's fault your love child had little training." She said.
"Navee this man needs to be investigated. How can you act like this is a normal battle? Why did you keep this from me?" he growled.
"You have no right to scold me for keeping secrets. You had a child with another woman! Not even an adventure woman. A slum girl from the disk bottom entertainment. You shamed our family. Her existence shames us. And it's your fault. To make it worse your little spawn was chosen by two living weapons. We're going broke paying people to be quiet. This situation you got us in is destroying the family. Poko won't even come home. I'm solving a problem." Navee said.
"By killing my daughter! And putting the rest of the kids in danger!" Tokip shouted. He took a deep breath. "Navee you took things too far this time. " Tokip stomped back into the house. Navee punched the uncut log.
"My kids will listen. There good kids. They'll listen to their father's letter." She said unsure.

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