Season 2 episode 8

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Scene: where?

Crunch crunch crunch. What is that? Clip thought. Crunch crunch crunch. Is this what freezing to death sounds like. Light began to permeate her eyelids. Crunch crunch. Eye's open. Eyes open. Why won't they open.?Maybe I am dead trapped in my body and I'll turn into icey sand like the song.
Her eyes finally opened. Things were fuzzy. She couldn't identify the face above her. Then he came into focus. "Bink." Clip said.
"Shh darling. I don't think you should talk yet. You have frostbite all over you." Bink said. Mico was on his back in sword form.
"Did you carry me all night?" Clip said. Bink nodded yes. "How?"
"Shhh. No more talking. I wasn't going to let you freeze to death." Bink said. "I didn't think you would wake up again. I thought you would die while I carried you."
Clip leaned into him trying to shield herself from the cold.
"Try not to go back to sleep. You might not wake up again." Bink said.

I don't know how long he carried me but the crunching of ice eventually stopped and the sky darkened.

Bink fell to his knees Clip tumbled to the ground. He clattered next to her in shield form. Clip couldn't move. The image of Bink and Mico blureded in and out and was gone.

"Papa. There's a girl here."

Scene: inside a cabin.

Clip woke up in a strange cozy place.
"Ah your awake." said a gruff voice.
"Where am I?" Clip said.
"This is my home. My son found you half frozen outside. I managed to save your fingers and toes but your skin is going to be pretty raw from the frost bite. Here drink this." Clips sat up taking the cup. Her hands were bandaged. "How on earth did you survive the dead zone? You must be a pretty remarkable adventure."
"How do you know I was in the dead zone?" Clip said.
He pointed to the pelt in the corner. "Those only live in the dead zone. And that hide hasn't been cured yet."
"Oh." Clip said. "Umm thanks for the soup."
"No problem. It's not often we get to see adventurers. My son was pretty excited to see you." The man said.
"You have a big sword and a shield." The little boy said bouncing up and down.
"You can hold them if it's okay with your dad." Clip said.
"Really! Pop can I?" The boy shouted.
"Eerm just be careful." The man said.
Clip stood. Her skin hurt all over. "Do you want to watch her fly to me?" She asked.
"Yeah yeah." The little boy said.
"Okay put down the sword and stand by your dad." Clip said. "Mico return." Mico flew to Clips hand and she caught it.
The boy clapped. "Awesome!"
"You can keep the pelt as a gift for taking me in." Clip picked Bink up. "Goodby." Clip said walking to the door.
"Wait. You're injured. You need to rest for at least a day." The man said.
"I'll be okay. I'm an adventurer." Clip said.
"At least take this clock and some bread with you." The man said.
Clip accepted the gifts. "Thanks." She walked out into the cold.
"Bye!" The boy said after her. "If you're ever in the area stop by."
"If I'm ever in the area." She said. Raising her hand as a farwell.

Scene: walking back

Mico transformed. "Clip are you okay."
"Yeah if half my skin peeling off is okay I'm fantastic." She said.
"Are you sure you shouldn't rest for a bit." Mico said.
"Do you really think Juko isn't searching for me. I wouldn't be surprised if he finds my trail today." Clip said. "But I don't want to think about that. We just need to keep going." What's wrong with Bink? I can't even feel his presence."
Mico looked concerned. "I don't know. This has never happen to him before. I think he pushed himself too hard carrying you out of the dead zone."
"I see." Clip said clutching tighter to Bink. "I'm sure he'll be okay after he rests."
"Yes he's always been dramatic." Mico said lightening the mood.
I'll just keep heading south and I should find my way back to the discks. Hopefully the others are there. somewhere.

Scenes of: Clip and Mico walking out of the colder Biome into the flower forest biome. They walked past a mini purple slime biome and watched two slimes fight over a bumble puff sheep. The sky darkened and Clip walked on through the night. Quick scenes of her fighting a six eyed flower lion and pollen pups. She ate some bright colored fruit. "If Koxes were here he would know if this was poisonous or not." Clip said taking another bite. She walked into the mountain range and laid under a rock overhang.
"I can't take another goring step." Clip said her eyes closing. Bink still has no presents. "Mico."
"Yeah." Mico said.
"If I live through this I'll buy you a barrel of beer." Clip said falling asleep.
Mico smiled. "That would be nice Clip." She said, turning into a sword.

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