Season 2 episode 7

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Scene: Koxes and the others exit the underground chamber in the sand biome where Juko stabbed Koxes and took Clip.

A large rock opened into a door. Koxes stepped out and paused. There was a dark spot on the dry desert ground where he fell after he was stabbed. How did I live after losing so much blood? He thought. Flashbacks throttled him.
Poko being strangled. Hal screaming her name as Tesh bit a chunk out of him. A sword going through his body. And Clip. Clip struggling to get up after being brutally beaten. Clip rushing to him after he slumped to the ground. Clip covered in his blood begging him not to die. Clip's eyes full of tears. Her bloody hands in mine. That was the last time I saw her. Will I see her again?

"Are you okay?" Juva asked.
Koxes snapped out of it. "Umm yeah." He said.
Dragva came out of the door joining Koxes and Juva. Their weapons transformed leaving their wielders backs.
"Discs Koxes. You really left a mark." Dragva said stepping up to the stained ground with them.
'Koxes is strong he wouldn't let a little stab kill him.' Konk signed.
Koxes lifted his shirt showing the scar. "Yeah little." he said amused.
"Free." Tin and Pop said together.
"We've been in weapon form for an century." Tin said.
"For an eternity." Pop said.
"It wasn't even that long." Juva said.
"Exaderaters." Dragva said.
"Come on konk lets touch the sky with our new found freedom." Pop said.
"Ooo the sky." Tin said.

The rock door snapped shut after Poko stepped out and Hal transformed. "Poko you look sick. Are you feeling well?" Hal asked her.
"Yeah. It's just- this place is where- I lost her." She said. "And what happen to Koxes and-" She looked him in the eyes. "You" She gently touching the silver area where Tesh bite Hal.
Hal grabbed her hand. "I'm okay Poko. It doesn't hurt anymore." He kissed the back of her hand. Poko pulled away from him looking over her shoulder to make sure the others didn't see. They were too busy watching Tin and Pop make a human pyramid with Konk.
"Sorry I shouldn't have done that I just miss being with you without having to gard myself." Hal said.
"No. I started it." Poko said.
Hal smiled at her. "You always do."
"I do like starting things." She said grinning.
"I love you." he whispered.
Poko looked to make sure the others weren't looking and kissed him quickly. "I love you too. Come on I don't want to miss it when Konk falls."
"It won't be the last time the twins bring him down with them." Hal said. As if on cued Konk tumbled to the ground.

Scene:camp out with Koxes and others

Koxes is laying on a sleep mat. Everyone else is sleeping. He stared up at the stars unable to sleep. He pulled his pack closer to him and pulls out the map. Clip's hat falls out. He holds it in his hand. "I don't know where to look from here. Are you still in the east? Where are you Clip? Are you okay? I won't give up on finding you." He fell asleep clutchin the hat in his hand.
Poko opened her eyes. She was listening to him. I'm glad she has someone who cares about her as much as you do. That's why she wanted to leave us behind. But not you, she'll never leave you.

Scene: ice dome.

Clip held Mico in her grip. A large one eyed white snow puff shrieked at her. Its mouth had nothing but sharp teeth in it. Clip tapped into Mico's energy. Mico's energy is cooler sharper less bubbly than Binks. How have I never noticed this. The snow puff rolled to bulldoze her to the ground. Clip jumped slicing some of its fur off. Try not to use all her energy at once. Clip thought. The hair on her head lowered. It tried to chomp down on her and she jumped bounced off its back and stabbed it in the butt. The monster wailed and jumped away. It tried to roll over her again its long fluffy hairs smacking into the ground from the speed. Clip dogeared backflipping out of the way. The monster turned to look for clip in the friction marks it made. It spotted her coming at her again this time she ran to it. The monster opened its mouth full of teeth to chomp down on her. As she reached its mouth. Clip swung Mico with full force driving her into its mouth and slicing it deeply from its mouth opening all the way down its side. It gurgled then toppled over. Yes I think I'm getting it. Mico ran out of energy. But I still need more control.

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