Season 3 episode 3

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Scene: in the main area of the entertainment club.

Nan, Uncle Nobo, Clip, and Koxes sat at a small table eating.
"Clip let us see your weapons. Is your shield still a handsome disk flipper." Nan said.
Mico and Bink detached from Clips back and transformed.
"It's nice to see you again Nan." Bink said, taking her hand and kissing it.
"Oh I do enjoy you dear. You flatter me." Nan said.
"And me." Mico said.
"No. You nearly drank me dry the last time I saw you." Nan said.
Mico glared at her. "I'll get you a drink." Nobo said to Mico. Konk transformed, joining Mico.
"This is Konk. he's not a talker but he likes to drink and I like him." Mico said.
"You're paying for anything you guys drink." Nan said.
"Fine, fine." Uncle Nabo said, leading Mico and Konk to the bar.
"He won't pay." Nan said, sighing. "But it doesn't hurt to ask."

"Hey Clip." Jablo said coming down the stairs. He sat down at the table next to Clip. "You still have your mothers guitar." Jablo said
"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" Clip said.
"I just thought- with you being an adventure now- that you wouldn't want to be a part of- well us." Jablo said.
"I will always consider you all my family and I still cherish music." Clip said.
Jablo smiled. "Good do you want to sing with me like we used to when we were little."
Clip pushed herself away from the table "Yes. What song?"
"How about- full moon." Jablo said.
"I love that song." Clip pulled her guitar from her back and began strumming a bouncy toon as they walked to the stage in the center of the room. Jablo glared at Koxes before following Clip.
I knew it. He doesn't like me for some reason. Jablo wrapped an arm around Clips' shoulder and Koxes glared. I don't like him either.

The moon is full- of itself
The sun shines bright for nobody else
Stars twinkle skyward only for themselves
Haven't we all- haven't we all- haven't we all thought only of ourselves
At some point we discontinue being inconsiderate of ourselves

When things are hard, of yourself
When things are fun, of yourself
when they're exiting, of yourself
At some point we discontinue being inconsiderate of ourselves

Water's so wet but only when it melts
Heat is warm only when its felt
The ones outside all shiver in their pelts
Haven't we all- haven't we all- haven't we all thought only of ourselves
At some point we discontinue being inconsiderate of ourselves

When things are hard, of yourself
When things are fun, of yourself
When they're exiting, of yourself
At some point we discontinue being inconsiderate of ourselves

A dragon's gold glimmers for itself
The crown sits higher than the king himself
The disk float upward to be by themselves
Haven't we all- haven't we all- haven't we all thought only of ourselves
At some point we discontinue being inconsiderate of ourselves

Life's too short to care for everybody else
Lifes too long to dwell on what we've been dealt
Let's live on in our selfish caring selfs
No not shellfish but selfish, we'll have fun till the end being just ourselves

The whole group joined. They dance and sing together.

Koxes sat uncomfortable where Clip left him.
"Are you still hungry?" Nan asked him.
"No. I'm fine, thanks." Koxes said.

The musicians started playing a different jig.
"Do you want to dance with me?" Jablo asked. Clip held out her hand and let him swing her to him. They danced for a while.
Koxes watched them dance feeling agitated.
"You should join the party." Nan said.
"No, I think I'll go get some more rest. I'm still pretty tired." Koxes said.
"Okay dear your loss." Nan said and went to join the celebrations.

Clip danced with Mico then Bink before passing him off to Nan. She went another round with Jablo.
She whirled to the outskirts of the dance floor laughing. "Koxes do you want to dance with me?" She looked around not seeing him and her heart sank. "Where's Koxes?"
"He went to bed." Nan said.
"Oh." Clip said.
"Come on Clip dance with us." Jablo said.
"Oh okay." She said joining the group.

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